
Career Development Of The Healthcare Industry

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Introduction Not long ago, there was a common thought that men and women in their forties and fifties were only looking toward retirement, not career development, and enhancement strategies. However, older workers, for different reasons, have changed their definition of retirement and are choosing to stay actively engaged at work. Moreover, the baby boomers are returning to school after decades away to complete their degrees to be competitive in their industry, gain valuable skills, or even change careers. While enjoying a successful career in healthcare for more than three decades disqualifies me as a typical new graduate, growth, development, and career mobility requires an attitude and commitment of being a lifetime learner. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Without doubt, technology and innovation have touched nearly every industry; however, nowhere has change been more rampant in the last few years, as in the healthcare industry. These changes have been challenging for even seasoned healthcare professionals and it requires new ways of problem solving. Parker (2016) stated, instead of asking ‘why’ questions, it is beneficial to ask ‘how’ questions to move people from broad to more specific critical-thinking skills. Since 2000, I have worked in the hospice field where critical thinking is a necessary skill, as no two clients are the same. Using Parker’s theory is far more expeditious when faced with a difficult end-of-life client wish because why is no longer

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