
Career Pl Professional Development Plan

Decent Essays

Week 5 Assignment 2: Professional Development Plan
Name: Jennifer Jacobsen Date: 2/15/17
Overview: Professional Development Plan
This course aims to help you utilize quality improvement processes and management tools to improve client care outcomes, partly by improving the nurse’s working environment as you make and implement good decisions. Now you will apply those processes and tools to yourself by creating a professional development plan.
You will begin by completing some management graphic organizers or tools. Then you will use these tools as the basis of your plan.
• Explain how organizations function.
• Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.
• Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as …show more content…

st of at least four prioritized goals
(3 points) List of at least two goals
(0-1 point) All goals stated in measurable terms
(5 points) Some goals stated in measureable terms
(3 points) No goals stated in measurable terms
(0 points) Dates identified for accomplishing each goal
(5 points) Dates identified for accomplishing most goals
(3 points) No dates identified
(0 points)
Specific Strategies
(max 20 points) Identified specific strategies for accomplishing each goal
(16-20 points total) Some strategies that are related to pursuance of goals
(11-15 points total) Vague or no description of strategies
(0-10 points)
Priority of Goals
(max 20 points) Priority of each goal consistent with statements of values
(16-20 points total) Goals are related to values
(11-15 points total) Priorities are not indicated and/or goals are not clearly related to values
(0-10 points)
(max 10 points) At least five references
(5 points) Four references
(4 points) Fewer than four references
(0-2 points) References formatted correctly (APA)
(5 points) Fewer than three APA format errors
(4 points) Three or more APA format errors
(0-2 points)
Format & Organization
(max 10 points) Professional, error-free APA formats, spelling, grammar, use of language, and organization of responses
(9-10 points) Generally acceptable APA formats, spelling, grammar, use of language, and organization of responses
(5-8 points) Error-laden APA formats, spelling, grammar, use of language, and/or lack

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