
Case Analysis : Ideal Condition For The Digestion And Absorption Of Nutrients

Better Essays

Lalaine Anne Cordovez
BIO 201 (Lecture)
Dr. Joel Brame
September 4, 2015

Case Analysis: Cheeseburger in Chandler

Given all the assumptions that pose an ideal condition for the digestion and absorption of nutrients, this young woman will be able to yield the protein, fat, nucleic acids, cellulose, and complex carbohydrates obtained from her food and drink. But before we describe how each nutrient goes to a specific location as well as its process, it is important to know the structures behind these nutrients.

Polymers are basically molecules that are either identical or in similar subunits (monomers) arranged in a repetitive series. Simple sugars are either in the form of monosaccharide (1 monomer), or dissacharide (2 monomers). Examples of monosaccharides are glucose and fructose, while lactose (glucose + galactose) and maltose (glucose + glucose) are dissacharides wherein its 2 monomers are covalently bonded by a removal of water. Simple sugars become complex carbohydrates when it is a polysaccharide (3+ monomers). A complex carbohydrate such as cellulose is comprised of a linear chain of glucose monomers (even a few thousands) that are arranged in a uniform pattern wherein one monomer is “upside down” to the monomer bonded to it. Protein (a polypeptide), on the other hand is another type of polymer that is made up of various peptides (a peptide is a molecule made of two amino acids). Peptides are made using peptide bonds, a process in which an amino acid’s amino group

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