
Case Study Of COBIT

Decent Essays

Investigation how COBIT tries to maintain high staff morale and wellbeing. College of Business and Information Technology (COBIT) formally known as SILICOMPRO, it was founded eleven years ago (2005) by Mr. Oluwole Austin Pratt, who is a man of high credibility. He attended the Sierra Leone Grammar School, he later then graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting at the Fourah Bay College (FBC). He has lectures several institutes such as Fourah Bay College, Ipam etc, later he further his education in the UK, wherein he achieved the following….  Association of Certified Charted Accounting(ACCA)  Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)  Information Security and Control Association(ISACA)  Association of Certified Technology Specialist(MTCS)  Microsoft Business Solution Specialist (MBSS) Just after when he has completed his studies successfully, he decided to form his company and named it SILICOMPRO. The SILICOMPRO was mainly for IT training center only. But now offers academy and professional courses in IT and Business Administration. They have partnered globally with Microsoft, compTIA , Cisco, and have also signed a partnership agreement with NCC Education (UK) in February 2013. COBIT is now a legal partner center for NCC Education in Sierra Leone …show more content…

COBIT organize a committee for celebration, wherein staff interact no their personal levels with each other and boost engagement level, COBIT provide break room for staff which is inviting and effective, with nice furniture, tables, and snacks and beverages. Also they build a supportive team within departments to allow discussion of goal and obstacles to help them find their strength, weakness, and remove barriers of blind spots so that they will think

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