Many successful businesses tend to expand beyond their local frontier by growing some strategic areas of their operation while they divest from less profitable areas of their operation. There are two major ways of growing a business as discussed in the case study of Davis Service Group (DSG) and they are categorized as organic and inorganic growth.
Organic growth is said to take place within a company’s operation when it increases output by enhancing sales turnover internally. This type of growth does not take into consideration growth results from mergers or acquisitions, revenues or growth acquired from takeovers because these activities are not internally generated. An example of an organic growth of a business is when a company grows
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closing down less viable outlets and saving on fixed costs; secondly, the horizontal integration of Sunlight, a subsidiary of DSG and Berendsen provided the opportunity to pool beneficial technical expertise and knowledge from the two companies; thirdly, because DSG has tremendous experience and strategic fit in the industry, it was easier to raise the capital needed for the acquisition from the shareholders and the bank. In addition, DSG was able to deliver to shareholders expected returns on their investment and promptly servicing its debt.
What aspects of European Union markets have particularly encouraged horizontal growth of the Davis Service Group?
The factors that encouraged the horizontal growth of DSG in the EU markets are simply the facts that Sunlight, a subsidiary of DSG is in the same business sector with Berendsen; another factor is the EU markets large customer base of over 500 million potential customers and the economies of scale that afforded costs sharing for improved profitability.
What aspects of European Union markets have particularly encouraged organic as opposed to inorganic
Firms must consider many strategies when attempting to realize growth. Depending upon the stage of
Growing bigger, becoming a competitor on the Lithuanian market, Innospark decides to go outside the local market and take a chance on different European markets. Us being able to
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ir share of financial issues though their belief in growth by acquisition and diversification of products and market channels ensures their ongoing success in a volatile and evolving world market.
Under the growth-share matrix model, as an industry matures and its growth rate declines, a business unit will become either a cash cow or a dog, determined solely by whether it had become the market leader during the period of high growth.
Through these businesses, GE participates in a wide variety of markets including the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity (e.g. nuclear, gas and solar), lighting,
Doing these acquisitions at some certain stages were important to diversify GE technologies and maximize its market share (Immelt, 2005), however, the balancing between growing organically by empowering the company from within and acquiring some companies is even more important for setting up the company directions. Since more than half of the company revenue is derived from its financial services (Company Data 2008), this brings the argument onto the table about the nature of the company making it a financial company with a manufacturing arm.
selling other businesses is another favoured strategy. It is a far quicker way to boost
Organic growth is where a company grows by increasing its turnover/sales revenues. (It can also be defined as growth of a company by building on its existing knowledge or resources). With an increased revenue the company can easily make profits, it then ploughs back the profits into the business enabling it to grow. To increase turnover/sales revenue the company can do so through increasing its customers (find new customers to add to existing ones) or developing new products. For instance, Sunlight and Berendsen growth is attributed more to organic growth whereby they have been able to increase their customers in existing locations and new EU operational areas.
growth strategies that have helped the conglomeration reach its current level of success is the
The business environment is changing rapidly and everybody wants a piece of the pie. Further, companies are fiercely competing for the greater piece of the pie by expanding aggressively beyond their current geographies, exploring virgin and new markets, forming
As you’ll see in the next section, the above two models can be difficult to achieve if the business is already established. But there could be a third strategy, which might offer more opportunities for larger corporations.
Without emphasize the price and product strategies previously discussed, a brief analysis of the marketing mix underlines some other specific traits of the company. An interesting aspect is represented by promotion. In the solar Industry a great part of the promotion effort lies in the downstream, and this is where SolarCity put a greater effort: on the 2,510 employees (2012), 661 work in sales and marketing and 248 work in customer care (SolarCity, “SolarCity annual report 2013”, SolarCity, 2013). SolarCity promotion relies mainly on a well-trained direct sales force used for what the founder calls in-house sales. The direct-sale force is backed up by a call center and a cross-promotion channel partner such as Home Depot (home improvement supplies superstore) and customer referrals. It is also true that not all of the promotion effort lies on the downstream of the industry. Customer sensitization, especially in a young industry such as the solar one, is a shared need and in addition seen the involvement of government in the industry join effort may become a necessity. To fight the opposition on the “Net metering” and the planned decrease in governmental subsidies many solar companies formed trade associations for lobbying purposes and industry-wide advocacy groups. In addition all companies in the industry are active supporter of various “green initiatives” aimed at the sensitization of potential customer toward a “sustainable lifestyle”. Solarcity also
With an organic growth, as the words itself could state, the company grows in a
Customers can choose of any provider, they suppose, offer them the best product for the best price. Porter states that, quality, price and style is one of the major factors that influence the purchase decision. Within the private pension industry, the brand name plays a fundamental role. Customers prefer to choose a product of a well-known provider like Allianz, Deutsche Bank or Generalli. They feel safe with them. The situation on the Polish market is almost the same as in Germany. During the interview, one of the founders of mentioned, that the incumbents still rule the market with their products and do not need to lower their prices (Appendix 4). Nowadays it is not easy to switch from one provider to another. There are regulated fees the customer has to pay, which makes a change unprofitable (Rutecka, 2014).