The event production company, One Smooth Stone (OSS), is structurally, culturally and ethically unique. It prides itself in creating brilliant spectacles to captivate people and fire up business results. The individual attention bestowed on each client is unparalleled. This paper will discuss One Smooth Stone’s organizational structure, it’s method of delivering quality to its clients and the advantages of its horizontal arrangement. In the commonly used functional structure, organizations group employees according to particular or related tasks. This design can be uncompromising in a fickle market. The time it would take for decisions to be reached would be counterproductive. A location structured business splits the laborers into …show more content…
Together, they help write a strategy that will most aptly deliver the desired message. By outlining the goals together, OSS can almost guarantee the customer’s satisfaction because they were directly involved. The customer requesting One Smooth Stone’s service is hoping to maximize their Return on Investment (ROI). The extent to which the participants at an OSS production meet the strategized learning goals correlates to its ROI. In order for the assembly to grasp the material or message disclosed at the event, audience engagement is crucial. One Smooth Stone’s exceptionally crafted programs achieves that objective. Another manner OSS conveys valuable service is by thoroughly studying its clients company and industry. This enables them to gain their customer’s perspective and better customize the production. Additionally, OSS has the virtue of only recruiting highly skilled and exceptionally trained employees. “If companies are truly serious about attracting, retaining, and developing high-quality talent, they need to view themselves as growth platforms for talent where people can develop themselves faster than they could elsewhere. This, in turn, can create a self-reinforcing cycle as talent creates more opportunities for growth” (Hagel, 2012). Having a remarkable staff will only lead to an extraordinary execution of the task at hand and in turn attract more
The organizational culture of One Smooth Stone is defined by its leadership and the service and products customers receive. Three stated key values of One Smooth Stone are those of: (1) Smart; (2) Fast; and (3) Kind. (One Smooth Stone Website, ) 'Smart' means that the business situation is quickly grasped and that anticipated challenges are acknowledged and solutions created. 'Fast' means that the organization thinks quickly, responds, quickly and does so through maintaining flexibility. 'Kind' means that the best interest of the client is always considered and that the attitude of the organization is one of a 'can do' spirit. Finally, kind means that the organization cares.
Clients who use One Smooth Stone to head up the production and presentation of their events need to receive a measurable return on investment (ROI), first from the event, and therefore also from One Smooth Stone. One Smooth Stone listens to their clients or customer’s needs. They make the event or production educational, interesting and entertaining to the audience including a strong message for the audience also. The two important elements are education and entertainment. OSS hires only skilled workers who are able to adapt to changes to their environment and deal with problems in a productive and efficient way.
The other form involves grouping the wire harnesses by product/geography known as the multidivisional form (M-form). The M-form is known for managing, organizing, growth and diversity of large/growing organizations. “To succeed, the M-form required the existence of a strong and professional management hierarchy, and the new decentralized organizations required strong management both at the headquarters and in the divisions” (Witzel, 2005). Decentralizing improves strategic planning by freeing up senior management time. This grouping can cause coordination problems amongst subunits, performance plans are difficult to construct, and it is less effective with local product information. Maintaining the M-form requires a strong strategic plan and management.
The main character and point of the view in Cutting for Stone is Marion Stone, and he has been employed at Missing Hospital in his main country of Ethiopia. While Marion is taking care of Ghosh, Ghosh encourages him to travel to America to use his medical talents where money would no longer be an issue and to have opportunities that he did not have a chance to experience (Verghese, 2009, pg. 433). Marion also feels regret that he and this twin brother Shiva were the reason that Ghosh was never able to practice medicine in America, but Ghosh explains that his main focus with his care was not the financial benefits and more focused on his patients themselves (Verghese, 2009, pg. 433). Ghosh even asks Marion to tell his father, Thomas Stone, that they were friends despite the years of no communication and Stone’s fear of relationships (Verghese, 2009, pg. 434). Marion left Ethiopia to travel to America with to escape imprisonment after Genet and her associates hijacked a plane and mentioned his name, but with no intention to deliver Ghosh’s dying wish or the
Refreshed from the summer holidays, we are resuming a busy calendar of events this September. The industry has put its expertise and efforts into creating winner events, maximizing exhibitors’ returns on investment and enhancing visitors’ experience. Crucially, for all of us in the industry, success will depend on a number of elements relying on the symbiotic relationship between venue and events’ identify. Each show has its unique audience and identity; and events’ organizers have to meet their needs to guarantee it continues running and generating outstanding returns.
Organizational structure helps companies specialize in certain activities of departments, each of which is capable of meeting their needs.
In modern economies, many different types of events are organised and event planning has turned into a profit-driven industry. Over the last 20 years, the events industry has continued to expand. Thanks to structural changes in such economies, there have been increases in leisure time and disposable income, leading to a proliferation of events. The event Industry has had a great positive impact on
We can deliver a better experience for our owners at a lower cost. This can be done by doing everything with the customer in mind, balancing all stakeholders’ values, integrating operational excellence skills in everything we do and listening to our customers and to each other.
After researching the impacts events have on regional development I have come to agree with the statement ‘The events industry is an effective and appropriate vehicle for facilitation of regional development’. The significance of this thesis is to critically discuss and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the events industry and regional development while also providing an understanding of the history of events and the increasing significance of the event industry in contemporary society. Real life examples from around the world are used to recognize and justify the event industry as part of the tourism sector and explore specific implications to event management. Various sectors of the events industry are identified
TASK 2 - DISCUSSION PAPER (2362 words) Abstract Introduction Aims & Objectives Methodology Discussion & Conclusion Impact of the Macro Theme in the events industry Impact of Government Policies in the Events Market Competition Recommendations Requirements and Adaptations
An international festival or event symbolizes the coalition of many agencies and organizations united in a common goal. International festival event management is the practice of coordinating among many people and organizations so as to plan and execute an event of substantial proportions. The paper will examine several major international events and/or festivals such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, as well as film, art, and culture festivals around the world. The paper will illustrate and prove through example that international festivals event management requires a synergy and synchronicity of efforts and plans. These events are not spontaneous endeavors and could not be executed by a single individual.
Abraham’s store uses one of the original types of structures known as functional structure. The major advantage of this structure is specialist. This functional organization structure features the gathering of those with similar knowledge in a same location. Due to the growth of each employees specialized field, it will inevitably lead to the development of specialists. According to Practical Management, “If the organization has properly crafted performance management that promotes the visibility of individual skills, functional structure makes it easier to coach others and climb the hierarchical ladder.” Employees will achieve more goals and accomplish in-depth training, focusing better in their career pathway. The second advantage of functional
Functional structure is when employees of a company are separated into groups based on specialty.
Beings an event organiser requires many skills; I am going to describe what skills they use and how they use them.
Functional structures are proved to operate well in stable environments where business strategies are less inclined to changes or dynamism, the amount of bureaucracy makes it tough for organizations to respond to changes in the market quickly.