
Cause Of Culture Shock

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Culture Shock: what is it, the causes and treatments
Wilson(2009, p.4) says ‘Culture shock is a state of disorientation that can come over anyone who has been thrust into unknown surroundings, away from one’s comfort zone.’ This term was first introduced by the anthropologist Oberg (1960) to describe the signs of anxiety that occur when people bump into a new culture that presents similar symbols or behaviors.
Where there is intercultural contact, there is culture shock. It is one of the most common experiences by students abroad. They may go through the feeling of depression, melancholy, confusion, and even hostility, owing to the misunderstanding in the cross-cultural context. The aim of this essay is to synthesize the causes of culture shock and illustrate the characteristics of it in my perspective and proposes some possible treatments to relieve or overcome it.
It seems that there are several reasons of encountering culture shock.
First of all, the inconveniences in daily life and academic frustration because of the language barrier are the major problems. For abroad students, the language skills have always been in need of improvement. It's not easy to adapt within a short time when be in a purely full English environment, and the different accents you come across sometime add more difficulties.
From a cultural point of view, when one confronts the new cultural patterns and still uses the deep-rooted original thoughts as his understanding and judgment of existing

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