Diversity plays a big role in many aspects of a person's life. It can show a person for who they really are, by showing their true colors. But the main thing that's a problem about diversity is Racism. Racism is the main cause of hate towards people for their skin, hair, or even religion. So would you still think diversity a good thing all in all cause? I don't think so. I think diversity is just a problem of putting people into groups of what to hate and not to hate. They make others feel the shame of being themselves, instead of being proud of their own self. Diversity was a big issue from back then to now. There's that one group, mainly the caucasian’s that likes to overpower another by using the Bible. They will use the Lord as an excuse to make others feel worthless. What's upsetting how one group can turn against the other and easily make them be the bad guy. A black man can't even walk down the street without having someone be suspicious of him. “As I swung onto the avenue behind her, there seemed to be a discreet uninflammatory distance between us. Not so. She cast worried glance”( Staples). The author Brent staples is a black man who was just walking normally but because …show more content…
They are mainly created by films others present, or when mocking. In films, Latinas are portrayed to be sexy sex machines or maids. In I just met a girl named Maria the author Judith Ortiz talks about the mainstream media how they see and oppress Hispanic woman. She describes the different clothing styles are and how different their culture is “It was, and is , cultural, yet I often felt humiliated when I appeared at an American friend’s party wearing a dress more suitable to a semi-formal than to a playroom birthday celebration” (Ortiz 204). People created stereotypes of the black community of them being “dangerous gang member” or “drug dealers” even if they don't know them. Just by one glance they would assume and be very intimidated by
Diversity can be differences in race, heritage, customs, belief systems, physical appearance, mental capabilities; etc Diversity should be respected and valued because nobody is completely the same as anyone else, even within the categories above. People tend to reject what is different. We must value our diversity in order to work together.
Diversity should be respected and valued, because nobody is completely the same as anyone else. It is everywhere in our lives which makes rich and varied. In our lives diversity can be defined as differences in heritage, race, beliefs, customs, mental capabilities, physical appearances etc. It should be valued because no one is completely the same as anyone else, even within the above categories. If diversity is not valued then it can lead to violence and hatred.
Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one else who is youer than you.” I think this statement makes a great testament to the greatness of being a diversified people. People are classified negatively by their race, gender, economic status, and many more categories, but what someone views as a weakness just might be another’s strength. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines diversity as “the condition of having or being composed of differing elements, especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization.” I agree with this definition, but I don’t know that it fully covers the multiple aspects that go into the topic of diversity. My experiences this semester in class, in my observation hours, and in my diversity hours have allowed me to see a wider definition of diversity than I ever knew.
Diversity helps cultures and traditions to loosen the grip on racism, discrimination and things like that.
When I think of the word diversity, I think of culture, religion, race, religion, and background. Diversity means to mean being able to observe and learn from others that have grown up in a completely different setting and are accustomed to other ways of life. Diversity to me means being different, but not divided. Diversity is a way in which we can appreciate those who are different and open our minds to learn and love what they have to bring to our society or community. Diversity is not entirely based upon race, diversity includes people that have different backgrounds and different stories and life experience than others.
Example 3: My colleague is a wife of her husband, parent of her children, teacher for her children.
I was very excited when I saw this essay prompt because diversity is actually one of the main criteria that drew me into NC State. All throughout my schooling life, for as long as I can remember, I never attended any schools that were diverse. There was always one extremely predominant race or gender, and it’s something that truly disturbed me. I am excited to attend a college that is so diverse in many aspects, that I will be able to benefit from in multiple different ways. I will be able to learn and understand new perspectives which will help me gain an open mind and heart to be able to accept different kinds of people. I will be able to familiarize myself with different backgrounds and cultures, because I am so accustomed to my own, I
Diversity is an important and beautiful concept in our society and this essay will prove why. Reasons to support this are it makes each individual life worthwhile, it helps us evolve and become better and it can build closer relationships.
In fact, diversity became a strength after the fact. It became necessary to believe in it because skepticism would be "racist." Otherwise intelligent people began to mouth nonsense about diversity only because of the blinding power of the race taboo. After diversity began to include sex, mental disabilities, perversions, and everything else that was alien or outlandish, to disbelieve in the power
Many individuals only view diversity through a colored lens, taking into account only skin color. In reality, diversity is much more than the physical appearance. Diversity covers gender, sexuality, race, religion, and so many more aspects of everyday life. Diversity is important to me specifically because I encounter it every day. From the minute I walk into school I am surrounded by people from all aspects and walks of life. To me, diversity is so much more than a concept, it’s my reality. It matters to me because without it, I would not be the individual I am today. Diversity is important because it prevents you from walking in the ignorance of a one-sided mindset. If we claim that diversity is merely based on skin color alone, we’re no better than the intolerance that tries to persecute us and erase our stories from
Often times in America, land of the free, diversity is celebrated in order to create peace between cultures and establish a safe area where people will be judged for who they are rather than by the color of their skin. This idea of a picture-perfect world may never exist however, based on the fact that diversity seems to create conflict a lot more often than resolve. All cultural conflicts spark from the shared roots of oppression and varying beliefs.
So, why do we need diversity? As America grows, the differences in cultures among individuals become colossal. People are becoming closed-minded about others who are disparate from themselves,
The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon the diverse experiences that I have had in my personal and professional life. Fortunately, I have had a large mix of diverse friends and experiences in my life. This paper will discuss those diversities as well as the plan to expand on my current knowledge.
3. In society today, most people view diversity as a bad thing because it doesn’t give people the chance to experience different things outside of what they are normally accustomed to.
I believe diversity is composed of many different elements or components that make us very unique in our own way as individuals. Even though we are human beings, we are generally designed structurally the same way. We might be of the same race, color, creed, or nationality, but there is more that make us divers even within our own similarities. For example, two black men or white men for that matter might have the same color skin but speak two different languages.