
Children Can Have Prodigious Memory Abilities

Decent Essays

It is often said that as children we have prodigious memory abilities. The main reason most adults can’t recall their early childhood is largely because they don’t give it adequate significance. We overwrite our old memories to make room for newer ones. Whether or not this is the case; as far I am concerned, I didn’t exist until I was 5 or 6. Yet of the few memories that have survived the test of time, I remember one that feels like it may have happened just yesterday.
I still remember wakening up with the warm glow of the early afternoon sun resting gently on my face. Having just lazily awakened from my daily afternoon nap. I made my way to the kitchen where my mom was busy cooking; what could only be described as mashed potatoes with herbs and spices. Usually the potato mash would be mixed with flour to make ‘aloo roti’ a kind of Indian bread. However the way I relished it best was just the creamy, spicy mashed deliciousness. I remember the faint scent suddenly manufacturing my hungry.
Almost immediately as I walked into the kitchen and caught my mother’s eye; I knew something was wrong. She had that, we have no time look on her face. She swiftly picked me up and put me in my high chair. Upon which she started detailing, in entirety the things I needed to do to get ready. We were going to the mall.
Before I knew it I was in the car, having just been bathed and bundled up in way more clothes than the warm Bangalore evening required. Yet it was supposed to be winter or

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