
Civil Engineering Statement Of Purpose

Good Essays

Statement of Purpose
Ali Hendi

Considering my curiosity and experience in Civil Engineering and after having passed proper academic courses and gaining an adequate knowledge, I'm seriously intended to continue my studies to obtain my doctoral degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on concrete in order to be able to do professional researches in this field. So I’m enthusiastically applying to Oklahoma State University for graduate studies program.
Now, I’m going to describe my background and experiences, stating my aims to my future work, then explaining the reason that I chose this university for my purpose.
"our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything". This William Shakespeare quote is an incentive for me to be an audacious explorer in my life. I remember the time I came back home after the school when I was studying in 5th grade of elementary, told my mother "the teacher believed in me as a genius. What a shame, I think …show more content…

In this stage I worked with one of my fellows and these two took me more than 4 years' tremendous work and we finally had enough self-confidence to produce these unique products.
 From 2013 to 2015, two years in draft, but fortunately part time as a conscript in the engineering post to design structures of "Military Leased Family Shopping Units". In the meanwhile, I proposed lots of other projects and they temporary exempted me for several days. Most of the proposed projects related to rehabilitation of their structures to save their budget.
 From 2007 to 2017, working usually part time for lots of company like, Bokhar Gostar, Pirapad, Uban Rahsaz machine, and participating in construction of 6 story building as an

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