Observation: Last week, a ball dispenser was out for the children to play with. It was on the top of the shelf and “Child A” was trying to reach for it. “Do you want the ball dispenser ‘Child A’?”, I said. I took it from the shelf and put it on the floor; “Child A” sat down. I pressed the switch and the ball came out from the ball dispenser. He smiled and I said, “Oh! There it is!” as the ball rolled on the floor. He stood up walked towards the ball and picked it up. He walked back and put the ball into the ball dispenser. He stared at it for two seconds and he looked at me and said “ooh” as he raised his hands on his side. I said, “Where is it, ‘Child A’? Where did the ball go?”. I held his hand and guide it towards the switch, and pressed it. He laughed and I clapped my hands when the ball came out from the dispenser, “Yaay! You found it, ‘Child A”, I said. He imitated me and clapped his hands as well. He put the ball in again and stared at it; I kept on looking at him to see if he would press it. He kept on looking at me and on the candy dispenser while saying, “Ooh ohhh”. “Where is it, ‘Child A’? What do we have to do?”, I said. He was still looking at me and on the ball dispenser. I assisted his hands on the switch again and after three tries he did it by himself. Earlier today, children were playing with the ball dispenser as well. They were dancing whenever they hear the music it plays whenever the switch was pressed. Dialogue & Reflection: It seems that children
I observed three little boys playing and climbing on a slide. Nick, the little boy in the blue shirt and tan pants was climbing up the slide, using the steps and holding on to the wooden side to help him get to the top. He was grasping a wooden toy in his hands as he was climbing. There was another little boy climbing up the slide pushing a wooden toy as he went up the slide; the third little boy was climbing up the steps. When Nick got to the top of the slide he slid down really fast. The other little boys did not wait; they also slid down the slide. Nick ran from the slide to another area where a child was playing with a tower and cars. He did not talk to the child, but took the car he wanted and began to play with it and the tower. Nick
When reading the first and second language acquisition charts and deciding their functions in an ELL classroom, correspondingly, I would begin by determining what stage or stages each of my students are in. Upon obtaining their language level, I will then proceed to use instructional strategies to increase their language skills in the most efficient way possible. Per the charts, there is a critical age at which language is learned. By using these charts, I will be able to determine the most appropriate stage in which to begin the teachings.
The police received a call at 6 PM about a missing person. The call came from the mom of the missing person. Officers Stephen Potter and Jordon Saunders responded to the call at the private residence. When we arrived at the private residence on 3146 Mayfield Drive Columbus Ohio, 43221 at 6:11 PM we began questioning the mom of the missing person. The mother’s name is Mary Russell, and the missing person is Hannah Russell. Hannah is caucasian, about 5’5”, brown eye, long brown hair, weighs about 125 pounds, and is 17 years of age. Hannah social security number is 331259941 The home phone number is 277-0020 and Mary cell number is 595-3325. There a total of 3 people who lives at this residence the mother and her two daughter, the other daughter name is
Observation: Yesterday, in the morning, I was sitting on the floor, pretending that I was cooking something on the pot as I stir. “Child A” saw what I was doing and walked towards me. “Child A, come and see what I am cooking”, I said. She took the saucepan with the lid that was on the stove, sat down on the floor and put the saucepan down. She held on to the lid, opened it and closed it. I handed her the spoon that I was using and I took the pot and the spatula and showed her how to stir. “This is how we stir, “Child A”, I said. She started pounding the saucepan using the spoon that I gave her, making sounds. “Child B” heard the sound that “Child A” was making and saw what we are doing. “Child B” was looking at the pot and the saucepan that was on the floor as she crawls toward us. She sat on the floor beside me and opened and closed the pot twice. I opened my eyes wide and smiled, “Wow ‘Child B’ you are making sounds!”, I said. “Child B” looked at me and smiled back. I gave her the spatula and assisted her hand on how to stir. I took the kettle and the cups and put it on the floor. I sang, “This is the way we pour our drink” and pretended that I was from the cup. “Child A” took the other cup and drank from it. “Uh- oh! Out of your mouth, “Child A”, I said. Later that day, after their lunch, “Child C” went to the dramatic area and played with the kitchenware. I went to her and sang, “This is the way we stir our food” as I use the spoon to stir. She moved her head from left
I know technology is so important for a non-traditional student. Cellular phones are not going to get it done. I will utilize the public library in the area. Also, I am right around the corner from McDonalds and Burger King which all have free WiFi. I have a sister in Memphis Tennessee that has WiFi. My church has free WiFi for the community. We live in a world today where everywhere you go now has WiFi restaurants, hotel, and all government and state faculty. I can ask for permission from my supervisor as
As a counselor assistant, I have been given multiple projects specially during the fall semesters. For example, last spring I was given the tasks to prepare a workshop for undocumented students while preparing for Transfer Celebration Day. Trying to find the information through CSAC and having to contact different vendors for the event was challenging yet rewarding. It was rewarding because I assisted undocumented students that were transferring to a four-year institution by informing them of the financial aid requirements and scholarships. I had to contact multiple CSAC representatives to find out details about the Dream Act application and other vital information. At the same time, I was also contacting vendors that could visit Pierce College
This worker met with Alisha Clausen at oxbow Creek Elementary school. Her daughter Tylyan were present. Privacy practices and Tennessen notices were reviewed and signed. The interview was recorded.
An observation I had on the in-class activity was that I only recognized few aspects in which I am not privileged. As far as intersectionality, I am considered a “double-negative” in which I am black and a woman; however, I did not take into consideration privileges that I am such as my sexuality, ability, and age. I feel I failed to realize these forms of privilege because I am not discriminated in those arenas, so I hardly recognize them. If at any point I was discriminated for being heterosexual, able-bodied, or as a young-adult, I would pay more attention to those factors.
S/O: Mr. Bill was 20 minutes early for this session. He came in today feeling somewhat tired because he was up late the night before completing school assignments. This led use to discuss his issues with procrastination. He noted the he had not been procrastinating as much because he liked the structure of his psychology courses. We also continued to explore his feelings more globally in his relationship with his wife.
On 10-25-2017 at 1203 hours I observed two females walking away from the rear of a residence where officers were responding to an assault call.
current subjective complaints (from claimant) and objective observations: Mr. Anderson continues to walk using 2 canes. He reports that since having the implanted spinal cord device the rib pain is better. There is still swelling in the battery pack implantation site. He continues to report thoracic and lumbar spine pain. He is able to sit without moving or changing position. He reports not sleeping well due to pain. He said the spinal cord stimulator causes vibrations in his stomach. He is not able to tolerate that for a length of time. Boston Scientific has been contacted several times and they have made adjustments. They continue to make changes.
In experiment 1, the participants responded quicker and more accurately to the target letter, while ignoring the unambiguous distractors. There was a faster response time when the distractors were neutral compared to when the distractors were incongruent in the letter condition, but not in the digit condition. Furthermore, in the letters condition, the participants saw the ambiguous distractors as letters (S and O), therefore making the distractors incongruent with the targets, leading to an increased response time. But, in the digits condition, the ambiguous S-5 was seen as the digit 5 and the ambiguous O-0 was seen as the digit 0. These constitute the neutral distractors that were unrelated to the targets, so no incongruence effect was present. Response times in incongruent trials for the letters and digits condition did not have any significant differences, which shows that the letters and digits had a similar level of processing difficulty (Avita-Cohen & Tsal, 2016).
On December 22, 2016 at approximately 1707 hrs. I was dispatched to K-96 and Northwest 10 Road reference a male subject that was unconscious in a white Ford F-150 pickup.
My practicum took place on September 7,2016 from nine thirty to ten thirty. The practicum took place at Impact Early College High School in Baytown. The class I observed was Ms. Nguyen’s class of juniors and seniors that contained twenty students, seven boys and thirteen girls. The class appeared to be alert and ready to learn. Since this was their second period class they already had enough time to shake off their fatigue. The subject was Pre-Calculous and the topic was operations of functions. Students entered the classroom in a calm manner and socialized until it was time to start class. The teacher instructed the students to take their seats and take five minutes to write their assignments into their academic calendar. The teacher went
The following data was gathered while fulfilling duties as a principal intern at Theresa Bunker Elementary School. The data was observed during five to seven minutes of classroom observation as part of a walk-through in the spring of the current school year. My cooperating supervisor for my internship was able to go on these walk-throughs with me in order to have a productive reflection meeting afterwards. This elementary school has two of each grade level from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Since it was more feasible in this small school setting, I actually was able to do a walkthrough in eight classes. Here I will report my observations from five of those walk-throughs. As I went in to each room I was looking for four