
Clinics : Is Florida 's Largest Medical Reuse Organization

Decent Essays

Clinics Can Help is currently Florida’s largest medical reuse organization. Founder Owen O’Neill used to be a local hospice nurse. While working as a hospice nurse he kept receiving requests to do something with all the wheelchairs, hospital beds, and other medical equipment that was left behind when a loved one passed away. Looking at all that equipment made O’Neill remember all the pain and suffering their family members endured. He knew how expensive medical equipment was so he began taking it to medical clinics that served patients with low income and/or no insurance. That is how the organization got its name “Clinics Can Help.”
Not long after the referrals he received from hospitals, doctors offices, and other medical agencies became overwhelming. O’Neill became known for his ability to recycle medical equipment to provide for families in need. All of this community support lead to the formation of an official nonprofit organization and O’Neill leaving his nursing job to become the Executive Director of Clinics Can Help.
The Clinics Can Help, West Palm Beach office is located on 1550 Latham Rd., Suite #10. The Clinics Can Help facility can be best described as offices with a warehouse in the back. When clients enter they immediately feel like family because they are asked to sit down at this dining table, usually by the office attendees Pat and Sarah or a volunteer, surrounding them are pictures on the wall of happy clients and employees, they are offered water and

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