
Cocoa Delights Essay

Decent Essays

Develop organisational marketing objectives
Written Statement
Cocoa Delights is a manufacturer who specialised in dark chocolate in Australia. It is established with the vision to become a national retail brand in the next 5 years. Cocoa Delight’s set up is mainly with the purpose to attract and maintain customers who wish to purchase different types of chocolates that are excellent in quality and Cocoa Delights promised to provide exceptional customer services.
Cocoa Delight’s mission is to become the leader in chocolate retailer industry. It plans to establish 22 stores outside of Melbourne area and position it’s brand as high in quality with the upmost high class chocolates. It strikes to provide customer service that goes beyond customers’ expectations. …show more content…

First, Cocoa Delights encourages self-directed teams that would faster and cultivate good leadership. It ensures its staff to work in a safe environment, adhere to professional and high moral of conducts it wants its employees to offer the best values to its customers.
With all positive working and business condition, Cocoa Delights plans to expand its business by establishing 100 stores in every city of Australia and 22 stores in some high growth areas outside of Melbourne. All these ambitious plans are to be achieved by 2016.
Cocoa Delights Organisation Overview
To begin with, Cocoa Delights is a specialised in producing dark chocolate that are high in quality, assorted range served by exceptional good customer services. In order to understand Cocoa Delights more thoroughly, it is necessary to analyse Cocoa Delights using PEST analysis:
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