
Communication In Home Care Essay

Decent Essays

I provide in home care for my Grandmother, who being older has several health problems including kidney failure. On a normal day, my grandmother can do pretty much anything she likes, however there are long stretches of time in which she cannot do anything for herself. On day, I noticed she was talking out of her head, not making any since, could not stay awake for more than a few minutes, could not hold on to anything (resulting from tremors racking her body), and was not herself. On a normal day, my grandmother is sharp as a take, but this day she could not properly articulate what was going on, or what she wanted. Knowing something was, defiantly wrong I took her to the hospital. Once admitted we found that her kidneys wear nearing end stage …show more content…

There are many reasons for my response. Doctors of mainstream medicine are not trained in alternative medicine, so they are skeptical, know little about it, and do not want patients forgoing medical treatment (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2016). Another cause is a lack of good communication. Unfortunately, people from different social classes have different education backgrounds, and communicate in different ways. This means that highly trained doctors, often do not understand what people from lower social classes is trying to tell them, or there is little communication because social and economic gap (Verlinde, et al, 2012). Which is a real shame. Because, people having less economic resources will often look for cheaper over the counter or home remedies, opposed to seeking expensive medical treatment. To determine if nutrient status was being compromised by an interaction the amount of the following substances in either blood or urine is tested; Albumin, hemoglobin, creatinine, electrolytes, prealbumin, calcium, nitrogen, cholesterol, phosphorus, vitamin D, and triglyceride (Grodner, 2016, p. 237). Varying levels of of each element indicate different

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