The biomedical model is a model of health which lays emphasis on the biological and physical aspects of diseases and is mostly used by doctors or health professionals and is associated with the diagnosis, treatment, and cure of diseases. while Health psychology is the study of the role of psychology in any physical health problem ranging from coughs and colds to cancer, coronary heart disease, HIV, obesity, and diabetes. (The psychology of health and illness. Ogden, J. (2012).it will talk about the various stages of health linked to the case study of Fatima who suffered from fatigue and hypertension and even elaborating on the varicose theoretical frameworks used in health psychology. the question here is can the case study be linked to the …show more content…
With the tradition biomedical model individuals are not responsible for their illnesses and their treatment lies in chemotherapy, vaccination and surgery with the medical professional responsible for treatment and their illnesses may have psychological consequences and no psychological cause. unlike in health psychology were it is believe that illness result from a combination of biological , psychological and social causes .here the patient is responsible for their illnesses and here the person is psychologically treated by encouraging changes in beliefs and coping strategies in compliance to medical health psychology the victim is partly responsible for his or her treatment, he or she takes the responsibility to take his drugs and change his or her beliefs or behaviors .health psychology contributes to the psychological consequences as well as the
The biomedical model of health fails to comprise factors such social or environment that relate or associate with illness and also it views very little about the individual`s wellbeing history such as medical history or feelings. Holistically, a person`s well-being doesn’t not depend on physically states only and the biomedical model of health believe that a person is ill or has broken (leg or arm), they can be fixed which would lead to health restoration along with that, this model doesn’t consider that the person have or will be in pain and that pain can lead to many. Through this model, there are high chances of diagnosing wrong illnesses. For example: an individual might repine about back pain and then with biomedical model method (tests), the back might appear ok, but the history of something such insomnia, depression or others would not be viewed.
Health is defined based on three dimensions: physical, mental and social health; a fairly recent modification from the 18th century viewpoints (Ware,1987). Health is perceived differently according to the different models of health that help in guiding and understanding of health and health issues. In relation to the following essay, two models; biomedical model and social model will be discussed and compared in terms of their relevancy in the modern times. The second half of the essay will focus on the effectiveness of the social model in explaining the increasing prevalence of health conditions related to the obesity epidemic.
The medical model focuses on the molecular structure of drugs and indicators of mental or emotional disorders. However, the medical model is not effective treating mental and emotional disorders. The medical model indicts the notion that abnormal behavior is the product of physical problems and be treated medically. The medical model depends upon independent tests to demonstrate or contradict if a patient is ill. The psychological model uses tests to demonstrate or contradict whether a patient is ill. It is at this point of agreement that the two models separate. A restriction to the psychological model is if a patient that is unconscious, or their communication ability is compromised to the degree that they are
This report will be investigating the various sociological perspectives on health as well as the models and definitions of health and ill health. These topics will assist in the understanding of how different people and different cultures react to ill health.
suffering from some type of illnesses. I will explore these two researchers’ theories and discuss
In order to understand health, different models or frameworks for thinking have been developed which have been useful. The Biomedical model which evolved since the 19th century from Galen’s (Greek physician 200AD) concept of pathogen, focused on removing the disease/disability and not on prevention or general well-being [9]. The Biopsychosocial model however, doesn’t merely focus on the physical state of
A biopsychosocial model is a deep interrelation of all of this three-factor such as biological factors(genetic and physical history), psychological factors (cognition, will, and emotions), and social factors (socioeconomic status, culture, religion, and technology). When a combination of all of this three-factor working together, it will lead to an outcome of an illness, however, each of this factors on its own is very insufficient to lead to an
A bio-psychosocial describes an approach systematically considers biological, psychological, and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health, illness, and health care delivery. Biological factors include defective biological processes compounds that lead to biological dysfunction and illness. Psychological factors are about the individual’s emotions, behavior, and mental processes. Social factors include social status and relations. These factors are all considered in an attempt to understand the underlying factors of such disease.
The biopsychosocial model of health is a multidimensional approach to health (Lecture 1, 2014). It focuses not only on the biology or physiology of a person, but also includes the psychology of a person and the manner in which society and culture influence health as well (Gurung, 2014). It was developed in the 21st century as an important theoretical framework to approaching health and medicine (Richtig, Trapp, Kapfhamer, Jenull, Richtig & Trapp, 2016).This approach makes the assumption that the mind and body connection is not only relevant but also vital to a person’s entire well being. It takes a holistic approach when treating an individual and can improve health in the
Many doctors are reactive when it comes to treating their patients treating the symptoms as they come, and don’t focus on teaching their patients ways to avert the onset of disease. “Health psychology can be applied as preventive treatment or as treatment for a pre-existing illness.” (Fogel). Health psychologists have the opportunity to treat the physical needs of
The biomedical model relies on several assumptions including the concept of mind body dualism with the mind and body seen as separate entities and accepting that they can be treated separately. The body itself was viewed as machine with a broken part that could be repaired or healed by an expert. There is a belief that a disease has its origin in a specific and knowable cause. The sick body can be examined, treated and repaired without taking other factors into consideration. The doctor holds a detached view of the patient and treats the body in isolation without considering other reasons that contribute to the condition.
The advancement in health care and biomedical technology has made the biomedical/medical model as the dominant approach [d]. Biomedical approach focuses just on curing the disease and excludes emotional, social, psychological and behavioral aspects of illness [e]. Researches have indicated this model to be unsustainable and healthcare needs to incorporate social and psychological model in a more effective manner in order to improve the quality of healthcare [d, 6].
A private practice clinic in Gainesville, Florida catering to mostly African American pregnant women use formula milk provided by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infant & Child (WIC) as their form of infant feeding. A lack of knowledge about breastfeeding is identified as a major factor why African American women do not breastfeed their infants. Some women have very little knowledge about the advantages of breastfeeding and its effects on the infant. They consider giving their young one’s infant formula as an easy fix and they do not realize the possible complications that may arise such as diarrhea, pneumonia, poorer health outcomes due to prevalence of unsanitary preparation conditions including lack of clean water and
23. The realization that health is a psychological as well as a physical issue has given rise to the field of
This essay will discuss the key aspects of the health models Fonofale and Te Whare Tapa Wha, and describe how the key principles of these models relate to the everyday health of Maori and Pasifika peoples’. The principles of these models need to be recognised by paramedics, and acknowledge the cultural diversity of patients and the holistic way that Maori and Pasifika peoples’ approach different aspects of their health and well-being.