
Computer Computing And Smart Environment

Satisfactory Essays

Abstract:—Of these days people want the entire world in their palm. So this strong desire leading to the revolutionary computing and smart environment .Various technologies satisfying the maximum need of smart world but they are failing in tight coupling to the internet. Therefore the people want extension for the existed technology. The ‘IoT’ known as ‘Internet of Things’ is an ideal technology emerging to influence the existing communication and internet technologies in a broader way. The IoT creates the interface or medium to the users to monitor and control smart devices via internet. IoT is connecting living and non living things via internet. Everything can be considered as smart object in the world of IoT. It allows those smart objects to share information between them via internet technologies. Regardless of time, place, thing and people IoT allows in any path/network and service with anything and anyone. This paper illustrates the basic reference architecture of the IoT and its applications in various fields. It also emphasizes on the security issues.
Keywords—IoT, smart objects, architecture, security

The IoT (Internet of Things) is becoming vital in industrial technology and engineering areas. This is embodied in a wide spectrum of networked products, systems, and sensors which take advantage of advancements in computing power, electronics miniaturization and network interconnections to offer new capabilities not previously possible. The various

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