2.6 Performance Measurement
Nowadays, the performance measurement is one of the important elements for a company to sustain for a long term operation in this competitive environment. Continental is the largest tyre manufacturer and suppliers to the automotive industry. It started its operation in 1871 and it is already operating for 146 years. In order to do that, Continental was used the performance measurement system in its business operation. An effective performance measurement system must be visible and communicated to all participating members of the supply chain.
Continental was using the machine as its performance measurement for its tyres. Continental is using the machine to check the uniformity of the tyre producing process, tyre’s
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Continental´s Supplier Rating gives Continental and supplier an overview of supplier´s performance on the basis of general, standardized performance indicators grouped (as in the Supplier Site Assessment) in company, technology, supply, quality and cost/finance.
An example is the communication of supplier ratings via the SupplyOn Performance Monitor. The supplier data from the in-house “Supplier Rating System” at Continental Automotive Systems are transferred to the Performance Monitor. In Performance Monitors, suppliers can read their operational ratings and also reduce and analyze the data. Performance Monitor supports continuous improvement in supplier quality. Most vendors think of applications as an opportunity to recognize problems early on and to actively handle their solutions before upgrading.
Continental production suppliers are required to monitor their performance monthly on the “SupplyOn – Performance Monitor”, located at http://www.supplyon.com/gen_root_de.html. In order to monitor performance, a supplier
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In purchasing, Continental will strengthen its sustainability initiatives in transport and capital expenditures with our most important raw material suppliers and service providers. If existing suppliers cannot act in a sustainable manner, Continental will need to make the necessary reforms. There are also some prerequisites for vendor approval. The minimum requirement for the suppliers is to have the quality system certified according to the ISO 9001. They also need to have certification according to ISO/TS 16949 of supplier’s quality system and the certification according to ISO 14001 of supplier’s quality system. The last one is they required to sign Continental ́s Business Partner Code of Conduct for acknowledgment.
Last but not least, Continental will also do the differentiation between the tyres stores from the aspect of service quality. This is because there are some tyres store that really provide excellent services to the customer, so the recognition is needed to encourage them and maintain their performance. The “Best Drive” title will be granted to
Second, an article that accompanying the fax indicated 400 laborers at the Yin Motor Company are on strike. This strike could possibly affect the financial stability of the Yin Motor Company. Third, “while this company attempts to maintain adequate quantities of electric motors in stock to meet all its order requirements, its on-time deliveries over the past year have averaged only 93%” (Riordan Mgf. Operations - Supply Chain (Hangzhou, China), 2014).
Performance metrics are tools that businesses can use to determine the efficiency of production. There are various types of performance metrics that a company can use; however in evaluating the performance of Riordan’s electric fan supply chains the two most relevant metrics would be the productivity metric and the efficiency metric. “Productivity is the ratio of output to input” (Jacobs & Chase, 2011 pg. 117). This metric is useful to Riordan because the company can determine the ratio of the dollar value of the output and dividing it by the cost of the inputs. This ratio helps the company to determine if the they are spending more in labor and parts then they are generating in sales. For an organization in which generating sales is the primary goal, this is an important ratio to know. The productivity ratio determines whether or not the company is generating as much of a profit as it should or if too much money is being spent in order to make money.
Taguchi's strengths are a familiarity with JIT and the automatic equipment used at Acacia. Its weaknesses include being an international supplier, potential currency or communication problems, having no history as a JIT supplier with Acacia, and charging a price 10 percent higher than Monitor's.
The Performance Measurement is a way to either measure or give a understandable value to what has been done compared to what was supposed to be done. It applies to all aspects in the working environment, such as procedures, critical activities and processes. In other words, first you set pre-defined goals and give away tasks and responsibilities to other workers, then at the deadline you can compare the achieved results to what the original goal was at the beginning. It is also useful to evaluate not only the final result, but even all the actions taken to get that particular results and the way the actions have been taken as well.
Measuring performance means when a business will measure the quality of the activities that are passing and the quality of the services provided to the customers by employees. It involves creating a simple, but effective, system for determining whether organizations meet objectives. It’s also a process of collecting and reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group or organizations. It can
The new business process and integration tool also offered real-time visibility into its extensive manufacturing process, including tracking inventory, handling billing and monitoring vendor performance for on-time delivery and other measures. The system was fast, reduced errors and improved efficiency.
The Treadway Tire Company has almost 9,000 employees in North America. Treadway Tire is one of the major suppliers of tires to the original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and replacement tire markets. The company sells under the brands Treadway Primo, Treadway Performance, and also manufactures private brands. Treadway Tire Company has eight manufacturing plants in North America. The Lima plant in Ohio is one of them and has a serious problem of high turnover (almost 50%) of foremen. This SWOT analysis is mainly focused on the Lima plant in Ohio.
All their suppliers range from small farming cooperatives to multinational corporations . They consider factors such as capacity, quality and cost when selecting companies to buy from. In addition, seek only to work with suppliers that can consistently meet standards and specifications and
Can the performance cycle be improved through the use of the 25 percent and 15 percent suppliers? What trade-offs must be made to use these suppliers?
Working closely with Bradley Stonefield, the consulting team has been able to gather the important data and information necessary to construct a viable and effective performance measurement system for his company. According to a recent interview, the following information was presented:
Russell, R. S., & Taylor III, B. W. (2014). Operations and Supply Chain Management, 8th edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In order to compare different suppliers, we must take a look at their income statements and balance sheets. These financial statements allow us to assess the company’s risks for continuing operations and its ability to provide us the required parts. In order to do a risk assessment, we need to measure company’s profitability and solvency. This would help us determine whether the company is in good condition to supply us in long term and also in harder economic difficulties or would it go bankrupt and leave us with a great loss.
Diversified supplier partnership- strong relationship with supplier such as domestic airlines including LCCs,international airlines,local transports,hotels
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 7, Number 5, 2002, pp. 271 – 282;
Research has been conducted on the topic of Performance Management. The imperativeness of inculcating a robust formal performance management system seems to lack refined research within the Motor Retail industry specifically in Barloworld Motor Retail and the impact perfpormance management will have on the workforce should it be effective. This, however needs to be further explored in this research by suggesting a structured intergrated system and using the results as an engagement tool to ensure that all employees are included in the process as well as fully comprehend the value performance management and a formal integrated system will add.