
Copping Research Paper

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With this in mind, a big way to relieve stress is to cope. Coping is a short term fix, not long term, but coping does give you a way to decompress or getaway from feeling so stressed (Hipp 27). There are many ways you can cope such as distractions, avoidance, and escaping, some of these activities within each level are good for you and some are not, it all just depends on why you use them and how long you use them (Hipp 28). Distractions are the least drastic and shortest lived coping activities, some of the activities commonly used are watching tv or music, eating, talking to a friend, taking a bath, going for a walk (Hipp 28). All of those distractions create a interim break from all the stress. Avoidances on the other hand are activities that are distractions carried to an extreme, they take up more time and energy and enable you to sidestep your troubles for longer periods (Hipp 29). …show more content…

The longer you avoid your problems the worse they could get, so this can cause even more stress. Escaping is similar to avoidance but much worse. Hipp states that escaping behaviors occur when you reach the limit of your ability to cope with the world around you (35-36). People get to the point where they completely ignore everything and everyone because it has become easier than facing your problems. Escaping behaviors make a mess of your life, they also create mountains of additional problems that can burden you for years (Hipp 35-36). When feeling like they can’t go anywhere or doing anything without making them feel even worse is when people reach the snapping point and ruin there lives even worse. The only way to get out of this is to go see a psychiatrist or a therapist to work out the

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