
Creative Writing: The Well-Known Grand Canyon

Decent Essays

The well known Grand Canyon wasn’t always grand. About 6 millions years ago there live a princess called Artemis, she loved a lot of things like hunting, wilderness, and animals. Her kingdom was located in the territory now called, Arizona. She always had her trusty bow and arrow everywhere she went. She hunted so much that she would bring extra animals to feed the poor. But her father didn’t like that, he was selfish and forbade her to feed the poor anymore. He wanted her daughter to be normal, like wear dresses, have proper manners, and be quiet like every princess should be. She didn’t like that, her passion was to hunt, and possibly become a warrior with her true love. The fault with that dream she had no true love.
One day while gathering some feathers to make more bows, she heard some leaves crackling behind some bushes and trees. She took out her out and freshly made arrows she linked the arrow to the tough string and pulled back, ready to shoot. Then she heard “No! Don’t shoot i’m not an animal,” shouted a manly figure slowly coming out from behind the bushes with his hands up in surrender. He looked lean and had a strong figure. He looked like a warrior. She later found out that he was prince Ares, the most skilled warrior in all of the land. They fell deeply …show more content…

They were not very secretive because both families caught them. This made a conflict between the two villages. They went to a long and tough war. Tward the end, princess Artemis had gone to the troops disguised as a man to fight in the war. She had become the most skilled warrior, aside from her true love who was the best. To end this war the two leaders gave the two lovers 277 miles worth of land to fight against each other. The winner would decide who won. After small battles here and there they finally had a big battle that would end the war. After many struggles princess Artemis had to kill her one and only true

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