In working towards a BS in criminal justice I am aiming to ensure that my career opportunities will not be hampered by a lack of degree later in life. Additionally, by working through this degree I am able to further investigate this career path and better understand ways of thinking that tend to be used in these careers. My interest in criminal justice was initially just a passing one; however, while I matured, what had been merely a passing interest began to grow into a viable career path in my mind.
My decision to go into police work has, of course, been influenced by my personality and talents as well as how those aspects of myself interact with the necessary skills for criminal justice careers. Much like we learned one needs to be able
A topic I find extremely engaging is that of the Criminal Justice field. The technology that has been developed over the years to solve cases is extremely interesting and sometimes it is hard to believe how new some of the technology really is. Take Gel Electrophoresis for example. Gel Electrophoresis uses electricity to separate out different DNA fragments by their size as they move through a gel matrix and was created in the 1970s. Gel Electrophoresis allows for investigators to take DNA from a crime scene and to process it to get a simplistic visualization of the DNA collected which they can then compare to the DNA samples of the different suspects. Since the development of Gel Electrophoresis, DNA profiles have been used to solve a plethora
My goal’s I attend to achieve in pursuing a certificate in Basic Law Enforcement are primarily to make an impact in the community. Furthermore, I enjoy the various jobs that Law Enforcement has to offer. Last reason, would be to be part of an exclusive organization that I can be proud of. My past experiences in my work history have been mostly related to customer service, problem solving, and interpersonal skills. I also have interacted with plentiful of people, on many different social levels and many diverse cultures.
Does obtaining a degree in a particular field grantee you a successful career within that field? As for African Americans, will most criminal justice graduates have a career in their field of study post graduation? How long will it take to achieve a career in the criminal justice field? The theme of this research is to examine the advantages of obtaining a criminal justice degree and how effective it is within individuals’ careers within the field of criminal justice. Through this research readers will be educated on the effectiveness of having a criminal justice degree. Current undergraduate students will grasp an idea of whether obtaining a criminal justice degree is useful or not. This particular subject area has been research and examined for years.
Growing up is exciting and very scary. Being young is fun while it last but eventually everyone has to grow and go in to the working field. Law enforcement has been a big topic whether it be bad or good things said the law enforcement is always brought up. When I was young I took a fast interest in business. The moment I decided I wanted to be a cop was when I met my dad’s best friend that was a cop, and businessman. All any person wants in a career is to make a decent living and do something that they enjoy doing. I’ve always enjoyed helping people that needed help, the Kansas career pipeline let me take some surveys and showed me that I enjoy helping people more than I enjoy building myself something, which I believe that is true.
Growing up I was always dealing with adversity. First it was my father needing surgery for his back. Later, resulted in him becoming disabled and being out of a job. Then, I was getting bullied along with my friends. After a while of this, I had enough of being defenseless and started to stand up for myself and them. This was what motivated me to want to pursue a career in Criminal Justice. I wanted to protect people from the wrong-doing of others because I knew what it felt like to be in that situation. The only difference between them and me is, I’ll always be there for them when there is a cry for help.
I think my new knowledge, skills, personal growth, and increased understanding of the criminal justice system will have an affect on my future academic achievements and career goals. My new skills that I’ve acquired will help me open new doors in the near future. I say this because the amount of things I know now about criminal justice will allow me to utilize my job time more efficiently. For example, I know how do everything that a new JPO is required to learn. Therefore, when I’m hired as a Probation Officer I can use the new skills I acquired as an intern to get more things done both effectively and efficiently. Also, I think with my increased understanding of the criminal justice system will help me with my future academic achievements. After graduation, I plan to go to law school. After being an intern, I have a wide range of knowledge about the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. So, I can think this will play in my future in graduate school.
I am currently a senior this year and will be graduating at the end of May with the Class of 2016. I will be attending Dixie State University this Fall 2016. My intended major is Criminal Justice with emphasis in Corrections. I have always been interested in the Criminal Justice system, the way they use evidence to solve hard cases and how much Criminal Justice can make a difference to society. I also want to take that knowledge and bring it back to my community to help improve the Criminal Justice system on the Navajo Reservation including other neighboring different tribes. We have all seen the imperfect police officers and how they treat other ethnic groups or people who are in need, I want to show people that not all police officers are
During the duration of my college education I plan on taking classes that would help me attain a career in law enforcement. I have chosen to pursue in this career path because I've always relish what police officers and lawyers have accomplished in the world. While still following the appointed laws they also help people in a verity of ways like getting people of perilous situations, while they also in ways shape the minds of the future. It's a considerable amount of satisfaction to be able to partake in a widespread impact towards the community. While the police are protecting the society there are selected group of people who have an astronomical passion for helping people understand and obtain their constitutional rights. As a person who appreciates both professions, I hope that someday I will
Law enforcement is a career that is both violent and rewarding in many capacities. Justice needs to be served in law enforcement and they have a responsibility to uphold the law and serve the people in the community. Law enforcement is crucial in the world today as a global realm as life continues to be more complex and law enforcement struggles to combat many aspects of crime. In order to combat these problems and have a positive future in the criminal justice system, everyone must work together on a bigger scale.
Criminal justice has appealed to me since I can remember, especially the forensics field. I was always interested in science, detail-oriented, compassionate, and a superb problem solver. Also, I always understood that death was something that naturally occurred and it never bothered me much.
There will always be a fight for justice, and where there is crime there are those who must solve them. I wish to pursue a career in the criminal justice industry, mainly working as a forensic science criminalist. Those who use scientific logic and evidence found at the scene of the crime to solve the case, The heroes who don’t wear the labcoats instead of the black and blues. Heroes like these need certain skills, interests, and values that make them an official criminalist.
My goals with earning my degree are to use it to promote in my current career as a correctional officer, a bachelors degree will earn me promotion points when testing for a higher paying position. That would allow me to take care of my family better, and teach my young daughters the value of a good education. Some of the major supporters for my education is my wife and my mother, both of them have encouraged me to follow my dreams, and to always do my best. I have also been encouraged by my Army leadership to peruse my education to gain promotion points, and to further my military careers. Some of the difficulties I have faced with my prior educational endeavors were mainly due to lack of direction from the instructor, I enjoy a good structured
Ambitious, leader, hard-working, and career-oriented are just a few among the many characteristics I possess. I have always been a very studious individual. I became intrigued with criminal justice at the age of 12; when a former teacher gave us a project on various types of career goals. While in high school, I completed internships and worked with mentors to assist in my career goals. I had the ability to work in a private law firm and jail. The internships gave me the exposure I needed in criminal justice administration. While I worked as a student deputy-sheriff in inmate records at the Iberville Parish Sheriff’s Office, I processed bonds and scanned files of past and current inmates. The most exciting, but fearful part of my internship was the close contact with inmates. When interning at Myles and Myles Attorneys at Law; my role as a mentee allowed me to interact with
The career I am going to be pursuing is criminal justice. I am going to apply for the border patrol, an opportunity that one of my fellow law enforcement officials has pointed out to me. As far as my interest in the career, I have had an interest in becoming a police officer for a long time. This has been my career interest since I was eight, thanks to my cousin who is now a detective for Minnesota. My target goal is to one day become a detective for the Detroit or for the Federal Government. This career is not only the career that I have passion for but I feel myself exceeding in the field.
I’m interested in the law enforcement career path, and there are a lot of different paths you could take in this career choice. This career got my attention mainly because, I find solving mysteries and crimes very intriguing. The origin of this occupation came in during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, coming into America from England. “Generally speaking, the constable became responsible for law enforcement in the towns, while the sheriff took responsibility for the counties” (Stinchcomb 3). The educational requirements for this occupation at a minimum are as high school diploma or GED. Our high school provides us with a forensics class you can take your senior year, and we have an athletics department that you could join anytime