
Critically Evaluate the Concepts of Professionalism and Accountability in Lls and Process of Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement.

Decent Essays

Part 1 Introduction 500 (lo 1 & 2)

Critically evaluate the concepts of professionalism and accountability in lls and process of evaluation, quality assurance and quality improvement. Provide clear definitions of these key issues and how they affect the teacher.

Comment on different documents on professionalism and what they have to offer. Identify and comment on key issues of professionalism conduct and accountability in the life long sector.

Professional identity, according to Bucher and Sterling, (1977), is defined by ones skills and knowledge and also the work one is involved with. Professionalism has been a term rarely associated with those within the FE sector due to the wide range of entrants, which includes the differing …show more content…

They ensure that student teachers acquire a dual professionalism, learning from a subject specific mentor and guidance from Tutors from their course. This benefits the teachers and ensures they are prepared, not only with the subject knowledge, but how to deliver it to others.

Attaining QTLS status not only gives you a teaching qualification but it also ensures those who have such status continue to develop both their teaching and their subject specialism through guidance, support and other CPD activities within the work place. It also make certain that teachers are accountable for their own skills and actions in the classroom, which in turn would offer them more autonomy within their professional lives. By developing and enforcing professional standards within FE, society will view the sector with more respect, viewing charted status as a sign of the quality that has been lacking in the past

Part 2 case studies 1200 (lo 4)

Detailed case study that follows 2 different students and their experience. 2 students that have notably different experiences in order to evaluate your role and engagement in the quality assurance on their experience. Discuss how their personal and social development may contribute to the community they live in.

Student A is male and started his further education journey straight from high school at 16 years old, where he was set on going to college to increase his

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