
Cultural Differences Between Eastern And Western Culture

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The cultural differences can cause some problems when people is communicating especially between Eastern and Western culture because those two cultures are usually considered completely opposite and the differences that cause the problems can be the different levels of dignity, different life style and something. And those differences are mainly caused by different sentiment depends on how they were taught which is more value and what they were seeing while they were growing up. The different levels of self-regard between Eastern and Western people is considered that one of the biggest difference. Eastern people tend to think they should be super polite on a person who is older than them or higher status than them even the people put themselves down to shows respect to others. While, the Western people prefer to have causal relationship with people who are in a same group. According to a website,
In the Eastern cultures, the leader assumes supreme status. He has a great bearing on the general public. This comes from the fact that in Eastern culture a technically greater man is often elevated to God-like status irrespective of his worth. While in the Western cultures, the concept of equality is taken more seriously and a leader is just one among the rest. He is not looked as above and over the general public. (Dhar, 2013)
Therefore, it is possible that people who from Eastern country and moved to Western country or from Western country and moved to Eastern country feel weird when they are faced with different situation that they are not used to. Also, Eastern people is inclined to conceal their feeling especially when they feel uncomfortable to avoid conflict. They are not good at expressing their emotions even they hardly express their feelings. But, in the Western societies, it is completely acceptable to express strong emotions. So, Western people would be good at expressing what they feel, think and want. An article that written by Paul Nethercott (2015) said
“Saving face” is a value inherent in the culture of Japan and plays a part in why Japanese do not show emotion – to save face for themselves or the person to whom they are talking. Children are taught from a young age to not show their

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