
Current Global CSR Reporting State : Current Report

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Current Global CSR Reporting State According to the most recent KPMG survey of CSR Reporting 2017 . This mainly focuses on the quality of carbon reporting among the world’s top 250 companies . According to the survey conducted there have been shown a lot of improvement in every field of Reporting . It has been shown by the survey that the G250 has shown a slow growth in the last four surveys with a percentage between 90-95% for the last four years . The current rate of the G250 global CR reporting is 93% . Considering the global change in reporting America has shown a really big jump in comparison to Asia Pacific and even Europe and Africa . America’s reporting for 2017 is currently at 83% which is mainly due to Mexico where reporting …show more content…

There are some sectors which have shown a good growth from 2015 like the healthcare sectors which has risen by 8 percent from 68 percent to 76 percent in 2017 and even the chemical sector which has risen by 6 percent from 75 to 81 percent in 2017 . Sectors with high environmental impacts like oil and gas , mining have shown more effort in CR reporting and more than 2/3rd’s of companies in all sectors expect Retail now report their CR performance . There has even been a rise in companies that include CR data in their annual financial reports with a big change of 13 percent from 65 percent in 2015 to 78 percent in 2017 . Some countries with the highest rates of CR information in financial reports are India - 98 percent , Malaysia - 93 percent and UK - 92 percent . In an overall way , all sectors have shown a good change since 2015 , spme have lagged , some have done extremely well . Sectors with high environmental Impacts have shown the most change and even certain countries have shown good performance . This is a good sign that countries and sectors are taking CR reporting in a serious way and are showing more interest in it as it is rising every year . Integrated Reported The survey shows that companies are taking active interest in CR

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