
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Course Reflection Essay

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Through the completion of my graduate program in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge and a plethora of skills which I have used and found valuable in my seventh grade English classroom. My outlook on student learning and my empathy towards students has also been positively affected by the program. These learning opportunities have led me to become a better educator both inside and outside of the classroom. One of my most influential experiences took place with my very first class, ED 523 taught by Dr. Howe. In this course, I learned about the Understanding by Design (UbD) Framework created by Wiggins and McTighe. This framework focuses on a backward design approach that uses big …show more content…

It also gives them the ability to make connections to real world situations and get the “big picture”. By using the Backward Design approach, my assessment practices have also been positively affected. Now that I know exactly how I am assessing my students before I teach a unit, I am able to address misunderstandings in advance and provide students with rubrics and assessment materials before they start a project or assignment, so they know exactly what is expected of them. I have found that students perform better and are more engaged when they know my expectations in advance. I have also discovered that students are more conscientious about their grade or performance when they are able to look at my assessment tool and ask questions or check off the tasks they have completed. Within three months of taking ED 523, my school district began using curriculum mapping. Curriculum mapping has facilitated my district in eliminating gaps and repetition in the curriculum and has allowed us to develop a fluent scope and sequence. This process has optimized student learning in my classroom. I now know what the students have already learned and can build upon those skills and understandings and can also better prepare them for the content they will be introduced to in the future. The mapping process has given me the ability to create cross curricular units with my colleagues. The students

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