blister had appeared on the ring finger of his right, and the nailbeds had taken on a bluish hue, indicating poor circulation. Soon later, numerous blisters had developed on the palm and back of the hand, as well as between the fingers, which increased rapidly in size and became painfully distended with fluid. Also, the skin of the left hand and abdomen began to redden
(erythema). For relieving pain and increasing circulation and manual flexibility to the right hand,
Daghlian's primary attending physicians at Los Alamos Hospital decided on the third day to perform a paravertebral block on the right side and to open the blisters and remove the necrotic skin (débridement) under general anesthesia; the wounds were then covered with
Extensor digitorum - It's major common attachment is the lateral epicondyle. When it contracts it causes extension in fingers 2-5.
Dermatofibromas (also known as Fibrous histiocytoma and Fibroma simplex, Nodular subepidermal fibrosis, Sclerosing hemangioma), are common noncancerous (benign) small skin growths. Dermatofibromas are typically detected on the arms and legs. Other common areas are located on breast, face and hands. This growth is usually a benign, single structure that resembles a nipple. Its appearance can be discolored and contains hard, scar-like tissue. A minor injury such as an insect bite, puncture or most recently discovered arsenic, can result in the formation of a dermatofibroma. These growths or nodes only can be found on humans and have not been reported or found other animals. It is estimated that only 1:10 women
Physical Examination: General: The patient is an alert, oriented male appearing his stated age. He appears to be in moderate distress. Vital signs: blood pressure 132/78 and pulse 68 and regular. Temperature is 38.56 oC (101.4 oF). HEENT:Normocephalic, atraumatic. Pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light. Ears are clear. Throat is normal. Neck: The neck is supple with no carotid bruits. Lungs: The lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. Abdomen:Bowel sounds are normal. There is rebound tenderness with maximal discomfort on palpation in the right lower quadrant. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.
2. If you were the doctors on the scene, what diagnosis would you give this patient? (You may use the internet to help diagnose the patient.)
O: Left Pointer Finger Nail: A Blue colored discoloration, tender to palpation; Left pointer Finger distal phalanx 1 cm in length purple discoloration, small, pin tip size open area, bleeding has stopped. mild edema
This is a 52-year-old male with a 9/24/2014 date of injury. A specific mechanism of injury has not been described.
When it comes to treating acne, Asheboro Dermatology & Skin Surgery in West End, NC, has successfully treated patients with Accutane (Isotretinoin), a drug taken orally to help eliminate the redness, scarring and scabbing that’s often associated with the skin condition.
I observed the documentation process from week -2 in my clinical setting and through reading the related documents I gained theoretical knowledge of documentation . I week -4 I did the the return demonstration of documentation with my instructor successfully and started the documentation process in clinical and developed my communication skill . I think my learning plan helped me to achieve this goal . When I started this semester I wanted to learn about the wound care . To achieve this goal I observed the techniques of wound care in week -10 demonstrated by my instructor and reviewed the related resources of wound care . In week -11 I was successful in return demonstration of wound care and evaluated by my instructor . The plan I made
History of Present Illness: This is a case of a 27 year old Asian female who came to the clinic complaining of pain on her right hand. She states that it feels like “pins and needles going up to my arm” She denies fever but states that she feels body malaise. She claims to have slight loss of appetite because of the pain. Pain level is about 7-8/10, occurs continuously and is temporarily relieved by Tylenol 500 mg. She noted the appearance of tiny blisters on her hand and upper arm which started about a week ago. The pain according to the patient is described as throbbing and tingling sensation. Patient otherwise has no other complaints.
Blood and pus trickled out of these unusual swellings, which were followed by a host of other irksome symptoms - chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, horrible aches and pains - and then, in short order, loss of life.
BB’s skin presents as pink, warm and dry. No obvious signs or symptoms of abnormal bruising or lesions present however, the patient states that the skin has of late has
This is an unexpected finding for someone with adequate nutrition, and could be a sign of dehydration.
the following reguire urgent immediate medical attention. it is important to react quickly and seek emergancy help.
Dry gangrene, the part becomes dry and shrinks, the skin wrinkles, and its color changes to dark brown or black (Porth & Gaspard, 2015). Dry gangrene is usually characterized by cold, painless and dry and shriveled up affected part. There is
Two fingers rest above the carotids. The skin was still warm, but neither pulse nor breath could be detected. I struggled to shift the weight to inspect the source of damage, which presented itself as warm liquid seeped its way through my trousers. Drenched with red within a matter of