
Dark Matter

Decent Essays

15. Dark Matter and Dark Energy (1500 to 2000 not including references)
Explain both concepts and the differences between them. Describe the observations that led to the hypothesis that dark matter is an important component of the Universe. Describe the suggested constituents of the dark matter.
There have been many attempts to understand the world we live in, ranging from studies of objects as small in size as DNA to the study of massive objects as galaxy clusters and even the whole universe. Being focused on only what can be observed, it had been thought that the universe is completely of visible matter for most of the past (1) (2). However, after many researches it has been found that the universe composites of 68% dark matter, 27% dark …show more content…

During the 1970s, dark matter had been discovered accidentally by astronomers Vera Rubin and Kent Ford, they were observing galaxies and they noticed that stars far from the galaxy centre had a velocity similar to the celestial objects closer in. The observation was unexpected due to the visible mass of galaxies lacking the required gravity to keep the further stars in the orbit, therefore the astronomers were faced with a “missing mass” problem and the concept of dark matter had been created (16). The main problem with dark matter is that we can’t observe it directly, we must indirectly study its interaction with normal matter to be learn more about it (17). There may be a misconception between what is observed and what is known to be there, for example; if a man is floating mid-air, due to the fact that humans are unable to fly; it can be concluded that there must be something holding the man up there (2). In 1997, Hubble Space Telescope revealed light from far galaxies bent due a mass of 250 times greater than the visible mass which that scientists believe dark matter is the reason for (18). Also, NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory had been used by astronomers to measure the allocation of dark matter in an immense constellation of galaxies located around a billion light year from earth, the cluster is engulfed by a significant amount of clouds of hot gas, from the observation it had been found that the amount of dark matter is a hundred trillion more than the mass of the sun which held the cluster of gravities together (17). Comprehending dark matter is an important task to understand the most vital aspects of the

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