
Data Fraud Essay

Satisfactory Essays

1. What might happen when each line of business, division, and department develops its own IT apps?
When each line of a business develops its own IT applications, it often is done without a thorough analysis of its relationship with other departmental or divisional systems. This arrangement may lead to the business having IT groups which specifically manage a particular type of application suite or data silo for a particular department or division.

2. What are the consequences of poorly managed apps?
When apps are not well managed, they can generate terabytes of irrelevant data, causing the business to drown in such data. This data chaos could lead to errors. In an effort to manage excessive and massive amounts of data, there is increased risk of relevant information being lost (missing) or inaccurate — that is, faulty or dirty data. Another risk is a data breach. …show more content…

What two risks are posed by data chaos? Explain why.
One risk is faulty, or dirty, data. Because apps are not well managed they can generate terabytes of irrelevant data, causing a business to drown in such data. With excessive and massive amounts of data, there is increased risk of relevant information being lost (missing) or inaccurate.
Another risk is data breaches. With large amounts of data spread over various data silos, the security for each not well managed, the opportunities for data breeches are

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