
Dependent Variables Lab Report

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Experimental Procedures
Independent Variable
An independent variable is the variable that is changed throughout the experiment. The independent variable in this experiment is the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide (water baths) and this is done to consider the reaction completed in a range of different temperatures (10˚C, 20˚C, 30˚C, 40˚C and 50˚C).

Dependent Variable
A dependent variable is the variable that is measured throughout the experiment. The dependent variable in this experiment is the measurement of froth over 20 seconds and the rate of reaction.

Constant Variables
The size of the liver cubes
The amount of hydrogen peroxide solution
The concentration of hydrogen peroxide and detergent solution
The length of time the test tubes …show more content…

Each of the cut 5 x 1cm3 livers were placed into the test tubes labelled 6-10.
The five water baths were prepared in the 250ml beakers, using the ice and boiling water to get the temperature as followed:
Beaker A was filled with half warm water and half ice so the temperature was at 10˚C
Beaker B was filled with warm water so the temperature was at 20˚C
Beaker C was filled with warm water so the temperature was at 30˚C
Beaker D was filled with warm water so the temperature was at 40˚C
Beaker E was filled with warm water so the temperature was at 50˚C

Test tubes 1 and 6 were placed in the 10˚C water bath, test tubes 2 and 7 in the 20˚C water bath, test tubes 3 and 8 in the 30˚C water bath, test tubes 4 and 9 in the 40˚C water bath and test tubes 5 and 10 in the 50˚C water bath.
The test tubes were left in the water baths for 10 minutes. This was done two at a time.
Once the 10 minutes was up both the liver and the hydrogen peroxide and detergent solution were poured into the 250ml beaker.
After 20 seconds, the height of the froth was measured, in mL, and recorded

Diagram of Apparatus
Figure 2. Photograph of the liver and

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