
Developing A Metric Based Web Analytics Approach For Increasing The Number Of Visitors At Sju Alumni Website

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The proposal is to develop a metric based Web Analytics approach for increasing the number of visitors to SJU Alumni Website. To achieve this goal, we need to develop an optimal web analytics framework. This framework includes three methods. The first method is called the Data Capture which involves in collecting the right data using metrics. The second method is called Data Reporting which involves in reporting the key performance indicators and metrics using web analytics tools. Final method is called the Data Analysis which involves in identifying pattern and analyzing the data for deriving business and strategic decisions out of it.

I. Identifying the Problems for the Current Website - SJU Alumni Website
A. Site Complexity
(i) Redundant Information - Social Media Icons & News, Events feed: There is redundant information & they aren 't organized effectively.
(ii) Complex Navigation - Needs further consolidation of the categories: The user interface makes it difficult to navigate. The number of clicks to reach a target page is high.
B. Non Usage of Metrics - No tracking Mechanism: The non-usage of metrics & web Analytics tools makes difficult to analyze the website & effectiveness of its marketing strategy. Not enough information about the visitors & their behavior & No facts or data about the Goal completions & the marketing Campaign.
C. No Personal Content - Lack of Personal content or features to attract the visitors.
D. Less Relevance to Site Objective -

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