
Diet Analysis : Personal Analysis Of A Modified Diet

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After analyzing my modified diet, there were both significant improvements and I met most of my targets for various food groups and vitamins. I met the target for calories as well as added sugar. I also met the requirements for fruits and grains. I am over the target for the general vegetables category, but I am under for starchy, other, red and orange vegetables. However, I am over for dark green vegetables. I met the requirements for dairy, protein, and seafood. Likewise, I am at the target amount for oils. In terms of nutrients, I met the target for carbohydrate, dietary fiber, total and saturated fat. I also met the requirements for linoleic acid, α-Linolenic acid, and cholesterol. For minerals, I am at the target for all the …show more content…

They also help decrease the formation of blood clots and modify the utilization of cholesterol (5). For example, dark green vegetables can neutralize oxidation reaction that damage eyes and prevent macular generation and cataracts (6). Therefore, even if I am over the general target for vegetables, I am gaining a lot of potential benefits. Furthermore, many people follow a vegetarian diet and only eat vegetables. It is noted that vegetarianism is associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, chronic bronchitis, and gallstones and kidney stones (7). Likewise, they are less likely to become obese or develop high blood cholesterol levels (8). Therefore, I think being over the general target is not a major issue considering the many benefits, especially from cataracts since it is been a problem in my family. Likewise, I believe that being under for some of the categories is not concerning because it is modified 2-day diet and I am consume one serving of each categories already. I am also under the target amount for vitamin D. However, as noted by several studies, exposing the whole body to direct sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes generates around 500 mcg of vitamin D (9). I am only under the recommended amount by 5 µg and I normally at least 90 minutes running outside everyday, so I gain

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