
Diet Quality And Weight Change

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Christian Arreola Biology 100W Fall 2015, Dr. Anand Research Article Summary Long-Term Change in Diet Quality Is Associated with Body Weight Change in Men and Women Diet quality can lead to reaching and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, reduces the risk of chronic diseases and help to maintain weight. Excessive weight increases a person’s risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have shown mixed results of foods with lower glycemic effect and weight change. Other previous studies have also evaluated the relationship between diet quality and weight change on patients, but did not provide any long-term association between food groups and weight change. However, Fung et al. (2015) conducted an extensive 20-year …show more content…

Researchers censored any data within 6 years from the participants who reported any of these medical conditions. Another exclusion criteria were based on questionnaire that was sent to each participant every 2 years. If BMI was greater than 30 (kg/m^2), individuals were excluded, since they were more likely to be involved in obesity prevention programs. If women were pregnant during the study, the data from that 4-year period was not included in the analysis. Participant’s dietary intake was measure every 4 years by the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and their responses were ranked on 3 different score scales of healthy diets: the Alternate Mediterranean Diet (aMed), the Alternative Healthy Eating Index-2010 (AHEI-2010), and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) for a 20-year period. All scores from these 3 diets assessed the consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, whole grains, red/processed meat and differ in the score range as well as the consumption of n-3 FAs, trans fat, dietary, sodium, sugar beverages and alcohol. The aMed included food and nutrients in Mediterranean diets; 1 point was given for each intake greater than the median score of the cohort for vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fish and monounsaturated: saturated ratio and 1 point for an intake less than the cohort median for red meat, and specific amount of alcohol based on gender. The DASH excluded food and nutrient intake that had an

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