
Discuss Some Advantages Of Having Your Genome Sequenced

Decent Essays

Today’s technology allows us to do so much more than what we used to be able to do. We have many more medicines and ways of treating illnesses and diseases. We now have new technology that can aid in helping us know what a certain disease and it can help us figure out what someone is sick with quicker than what we used to. I think that it would be neat to be able to know what disease or illness that I may end up getting later on in life and what I could end up passing to my children. Knowing what disease someone could end up with, and whether or not it’s a life threatening disease, could cause problems for some people because if they know they are going to die later on then maybe that will make them feel like they don’t have a reason to try to beat it. But then again if someone knows that the disease may kill them then maybe that will push them to take what they have and be happy with it. …show more content…

And if you find out early on what disease or illness you could get then that gives you time to prepare. It will give people time to try and save money for treatments because that is one of the problems many people face. If people found out before they got sick then they could start saving money ahead of time and that could be a life saving factor because when you are trying to save up money there is a possibility you could run out of time. Disadvantages of having your genomes sequenced is that it could affect how people see their life. Some people might just give up completely on it because they know that they will be getting sick and it could possibly leave to death. Knowing what you could pass onto your children could also affect whether or not they decide to have kids; I see this as a disadvantage because if someone knows that they could pass a life threatening sickness to their kids then they might not see it worth it to even have

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