
Diversity And Inclusion ( D & I ) Based Policies

Decent Essays

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) based policies are imperative for companies to adapt to the volatile global work environment. Peter Voser, the soon to be CEO of the world renowned oil company Shell wanted to introduce and implement diversity and inclusion goals during the restructuring period of the company. Given the poor global economic climate when Voser assumed the CEO position, he felt that a restructuring plan was a necessary response to the “volatile oil and gas prices that were only furthered by recession” (Sucher & Corsci, 2012, pp. 3). Shell was not a stranger to diversity and inclusion as it was “embedded in Shell through ‘aspirational targets’, measures, human resources and managerial processes” (Sucher & Corsci, 2012, pp. 1). As such, in order to measure the level of effectiveness, benchmarks are required to assist in ensuring that that the level of effectiveness is essential to ensure that the company is hitting the intended objectives and to assess which areas need adjustments in order to successfully move forward. Consequently, “Shell set three global D&I aspirational targets based on gender, nationality and inclusion”, this paper will examine how increasing employee participation and implementing qualitative analysis, will assist in ensuring the level of effectiveness of these targets are maintained at an optimal level. Traditionally, companies have been relying on managing diversity and inclusion through the focus on targeted recruitment, education and

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