
Diversity Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

My understanding of diversity has most definitely followed me into my personal and professional life. I now have a voice and speak up anytime I ever hear discrimination. I try to expose myself to different types of people if I get to chance so I can further my knowledge on their culture. The term diversity shouldn’t have a negative stigma attached to it. Diversity is what should make us a powerful community because each one of us has something special to offer. Being placed at a very diverse internship site has helped me tremendously. I have realized that is the setting I hope to work in. I can see there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Becoming a more multicultural person is something I am working towards. I think my experience thus far at Church Street School has given me a great running start. I have met so many students from so many different backgrounds in just the first month of school. I have learned that in some cultures shaking hands to greet someone can be offensive because physical contact isn’t appropriate. I think taking this course has given me a place to express my ideas on being a multicultural person and receive feedback from my classmates on how to further my knowledge on the subject. Professor Howe’s book entitled, Becoming a Multicultural Educator has also been an excellent resource for me. I would recommend this textbook to anyone in the education field. “Teachers role is that they are not just teachers of reading or teachers of

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