
Dolce And Gabbana Case Analysis

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APPEAL By employing the motif of power and submission through a portrayal of a gang rape, the label broke taboos, by violating the ethics code and cultural perspectives of the audience, and used a strong sense of controversy. Due to the use of these factors, the advertisements not only have different purposes, but also reach out to people with different appeals. The ambiguity of the campaign is the main focus again and will once again argue whether the appeal is more artistic or offensive. The fact that the advertisements can be understood as artistic and personalized by Dolce & Gabbana makes the appeal creative and most importantly reliant on sex appeal. Sex appeal makes people get dragged into the views of the sexual sell of advertisement …show more content…

As analyzed in the essay, these aspects may be interpreted as artistic freedom or as offensive especially toward the portrayal of women. To answer the research question, although the extent of the offense received by the audience and media threw a shadow on the image of the famous brand, I believe that the advertisements singularly have the intent to be artistic and should only be understood as a creative and unique characterization of the labels ideals and business strategies. The way in which Dolce & Gabbana used alien-like fashion couture, robotic, nonchalant expressions of the models, clear, modern backgrounds and the effect of glazed bodies as a statement for their personality amazes me and makes me believe in their intentions. Surely the employment of power and submission might shock viewers and leave them in redemption, however, the brand was never intently trying to offense women in any way, as they have made clear in interviews and press releases. They stayed true to their image and ideal of being different to other labels by using their own in-house advertising as a way to think outside the box and stand out from the highly competitive fashion

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