
Similarities Between Dolce & Gabana and Camel Cigarette Advertisements

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Despite the differences and similarities in the images, proper examination of the Dolce & Gabana and Camel cigarettes advertisements show that their main objective is to attract a given audience. The first picture represents an advertisement of Dolce & Gabana lipstick worn by a sensual woman. The second picture is an advertisement of Camel cigarettes being smoked by an attractive woman. Advertisement of the Dolce & Gabana lipstick and Camel cigarettes intend to grab the attention of the consumers. Effective advertisements should have to ability to quickly and effectively attract the target and other consumers.
Communications is paramount in both advertisements. Advertisements need to effectively communicate the desired message to the …show more content…

The image focuses on the woman’s lips as they complete the sensual look. She places her hand on the corner of her lips to appeal to the sensual and beautiful woman who wants to look like a star. The young generation women looking at the image would want to purchase the lipstick from Dolce & Gabana as it makes the woman outstanding. The advertisement uses a blonde, skinny, and tanned model to portray a classy woman. All women want to look classy; therefore, the ad takes advantage of the factor to show classy women that the Dolce and Gabana lipstick can help them complete the look. Ironically, the audience is not able to see the woman as a whole. The ad uses half shot to symbolize that the woman is an object that only needs to be viewed.
Similarly, the advertisement on the Camel cigarettes gives a representation of a woman with a hairstyle prevalent in the 1920s. The viewers can clearly see the red Chinese silky dress and the tattoo on the arm of the woman. The picture uses bright colors to catch the eye of the audience. There are two slogans in the camel add; Pleasure to burn and surgeon’s general warning: quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health. The first slogan is a pun, which gives the ad a sexual appeal.
The main difference between the Camel cigarette and the Dolce & Gabana lipstick advertisements is the time period used by the pictures. The first advertisement shows a modern woman where as the second one shows a woman with a look from

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