
Ebp Model

Decent Essays

A report on how to manage aggression and violence within inpatient services by using the safeward model to decrease the use of containment and restraint Evidenced based practice (EBP) has become a dominant approach in healthcare, providing a framework for professionals to apply their art in a systematic fashion (Golec, 2009). EBP is supported by a clear, up to date rationale which takes into account the patients preferences and using clinical judgements. The NMC (2015) dictate that professionals should work to an evidence based approach, but there is also a moral necessity, as healthcare practitioners are accountable for the care they deliver and must be able to safeguard patients from harm and minimise risk by doing so (Ross, 2012). Structures of evidence have been established to grade evidence according to its methodological quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. This hierarchy of evidence is …show more content…

Evidence papers were evaluated by using the CASP tool, which systematically evaluates clinical research papers (Stevens, …show more content…

A study was conducted using semi-structured interviews to gain the views from service users and staff on a male unit. The unit was chosen at random, however this was limited as there are only 3 high secure units within England. The aim of the research was to compare attitudes between nursing staff and patients surrounding violence and aggression, and to utilise the results to develop future training for staff. The findings of the study demonstrated that because this patient group have tendencies to express themselves through aggression, it is imperative that patient’s voices are heard in a respectful manner (Wright et al.,

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