A report on how to manage aggression and violence within inpatient services by using the safeward model to decrease the use of containment and restraint Evidenced based practice (EBP) has become a dominant approach in healthcare, providing a framework for professionals to apply their art in a systematic fashion (Golec, 2009). EBP is supported by a clear, up to date rationale which takes into account the patients preferences and using clinical judgements. The NMC (2015) dictate that professionals should work to an evidence based approach, but there is also a moral necessity, as healthcare practitioners are accountable for the care they deliver and must be able to safeguard patients from harm and minimise risk by doing so (Ross, 2012). Structures of evidence have been established to grade evidence according to its methodological quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. This hierarchy of evidence is …show more content…
Evidence papers were evaluated by using the CASP tool, which systematically evaluates clinical research papers (Stevens, …show more content…
A study was conducted using semi-structured interviews to gain the views from service users and staff on a male unit. The unit was chosen at random, however this was limited as there are only 3 high secure units within England. The aim of the research was to compare attitudes between nursing staff and patients surrounding violence and aggression, and to utilise the results to develop future training for staff. The findings of the study demonstrated that because this patient group have tendencies to express themselves through aggression, it is imperative that patient’s voices are heard in a respectful manner (Wright et al.,
There is a copy of the document ‘The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in psychiatric in-patient settings and emergency departments’ on Miplace. You need to write a summary of this in a booklet which covers four areas of dealing with violence in A&E:
Evidence-based practice is an approach used by health care professionals to continually use current best evidence-based research to make ethical and reliable decisions regarding patient care. “Research to promote evidence-based practice is becoming more and more a part of the regular work of health care leaders” (Grand Canyon University, 2015, p. 1). However, it is important to determine the difference between solid research and flawed research that provides unreliable inferences. Evidence-based research includes focusing on a clinical question; and includes the review and incorporation of several studies to strengthen the results of the new study (Grand Canyon University, 2015). Roddy et al. and Ganz et al. articles will be assessed to determine if the recommended changes were backed by solid research that warrants changes in a hospital.
Violence in health care is an intriguing subject. Understanding and coping with threatening and violent behavior in mental health settings can be challenging and is a necessary part of being a health care provider (Berring, Pedersen, & Buus, 2016). If the situation is not handled well, patient and staff injuries can occur. A well thought out de-escalation plan and having a process in place is valuable. Having a range of psychosocial interventions that are focused on redirecting patients can help calm them down. The important aspects of de-escalating are being familiar with the patient, understanding the situation, knowing yourself, and having the knowledge of how to communicate in such a situation. Unfortunately, there are not many studies that have explored how staff and patients experience de-escalation methods and further research is needed in this very relevant area of health care.
Nurses are responsible in providing holistic, quality care to their clients. In order to effectively provide such care Boswell and Cannon (2009, p. 2 & 7) states that nurses must base their provision of care on the most current, up-to-date health information available and sound nursing knowledge. This is where evidence-based practice (EBP) comes in. Polit and Beck (2010, p. 4) defined EBP as "the use of the best clinical evidence in making patient care desicions". This usually comes from research conducted by nurses and other healthcare professionals. Thus it is pertinent that research reports are critically analyzed.
The purpose of this quasi-experimental pilot project is to determine if providing training for mental health nurses on assessing assault risk in geriatric psychiatric patients will help improve the nurse’s knowledge and assessment of assault risk for this population during their inpatient stay. According to the World Health Organization, “between 8% and 38% of health workers suffer physical violence at some point in their careers”. Violence against health care workers has been extensively studied and research indicates that some areas are more prone to violence towards the staff than other areas of the hospital. The areas that are known for high incidence of assault are emergency rooms and inpatient psychiatric units. It also has the highest
Evidence-based practice is an approach in the decision making of using the best evidence about the care of a patient.it is an integration of clinical expertise, patient values and the available evidence from ongoing research .taking into consideration internal and external influences, it promotes critical thinking in the application of the evidence in patient care. The impact of EBP has been echoed in the optimal health care, quality of life and clinical outcomes (Mabbott, 2011). Application of EBP in the plan of care has resulted in benefits such as reduced costs, decreased variation in care and nurse satisfaction. The EBP movement is one component essential aimed at transforming the current knowledge into a plan of care decisions to improve
The evidence hierarchy is a ranking that distinguish the types of research evidence based on the strength of the evidence itself (Polit & Beck, 2012). It is mostly applicable to the research questions regarding the effects of clinical interventions. The evidence that are ranked based on the evidence that uses appropriate research methods, rigorously reviewed with minimized biases and has great clinical implications. The strongest evidence based on the evidence hierarchy is systematic reviews, which draws conclusions from many randomized controlled trails (Polit & Beck, 2012).
Evidence based practice is the incorporation of individual clinical expertise with best research evidence and patient values and expectations. Health care decision of individual patients should be based on best available research evidence. A health decision made from a sound research evidence has the potential to ensure best practice and reduce variations in health care delivery. In health science, an ever increasing plethora of studies being published and is challenging for clinicians to keep up with the literature. Integrating research into practice is time consuming and need methods for easy access to such evidences for busy clinicians. Indeed, clinical decision should be based on the latest research evidence. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses summarize the research evidence, which is generally the best form of evidence, thereby making the available evidence more accessible to decision makers and are positioned
As every patient is unique and has his/her own condition, nurses and other health care providers need a source to follow as a guideline. Evidence based practice can be used as good guideline for health care provider, and it also can show different ways of care and their results. Evidence based practice has a huge role in the world of nursing profession. One of the biggest goals of nurses is to apply the evidence into their practice in a right way, even though a lot of nurses could not apply the evidence into their practice in the right way. ((Schmidt & Brown, 2015). Role of a professional nurse is to implement the evidence into practice in a right way, and create the right result from it. There are a lot aspects involved in evidence based practice
Evidence-Base practice (EBP) is defined as: “based on problem identified from the practitioner’s area of practice; a combining of best evidence and professional expertise and an integration of this into current practice; about ensuring patients receive quality care, being part of quality improvement processes; about collaboration and requiring a team approach” (French, 1999). Scott and Mcsherry (2008) supported the French’s assertion, proposing the key elements of EBP are that it is a theory-driven process, which involves the use, evaluation and application of research; identification of best evidence; evaluation of care; problem solving; decision-making; clinical expertise; and requires patient involvement. Evidence-based practice is made of evidence, clinical expertise, patient preference, the context of care (Barker, 2013). In brief, evidence-based practice is the parameter in the nursing practice that it requires that the nurses gather and use clinical evidence to make decision for the patients so that in the nursing process they can deliver the quality of care for the patients (Ellis, 2013). In the other words, in the nursing practice all the nursing procedures performed by the clinical evidence supported.
Evidence based practice, “involves integrating the best available research evidence with professional expertise while also taking account of patient preferences the patients state setting and circumstance and health care resources” (Gerrish, K. Lathlean, J, 2015). As the health care profession constantly changes, then it is vital that all evidence based practice is kept up to date with current information and research, relating to nursing practice. Always assuring that the patients need are taken into consideration (Sackett et al, 1996).
Evaluating EvidenceBefore research should be used in practice, it must be evaluated. There are many complexities and nuances in evaluating the research evidence for clinical practice. Evaluation of research behind evidence-based medicine requires critical thinking
There has been major controversy in defining the term evidence informed practice. The best definition which is globally accepted is the one invented by Sackett et al. (1996) He defined evidence informed practice as “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about care of the individual patient. It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research”. (Ellis 2003) To simplify, it means utilizing the best possible information which is proven to be useful in aiding the best possible care to patients.
ARTICLE 8: “Patient and visitor violence in the general hospital, occurrence, staff interventions, and consequences: a cross-sectional survey.” (8)
Evidence based practice has a great impact on health care system, nursing practice, teaching, and science. The necessity for evidence based quality enhancement and healthcare alteration underscores the requirement for redesigning and implementing care that is effectual, secure and competent (Stevens, K., Ma., 2013). The movement of evidence based practice commenced with the identification of the problems faced in healthcare system. The unacceptable gap between what we know and what we do in the patients care(Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J. M., & Donaldson, M. S. 2001). The main intend of evidence based practice in health care is to provide the resources by which the most latest relevant evidence from research and studies can be judiciously