According to Garfolo and Huillier (2015), “Education values are the cornerstone of the student learning process and as such these values need to be clearly articulated to ensure that an inclusive and transparent process of learning assessment can take place” (p. 152). Institutional accreditation encompasses the whole institution whereas; specialized accreditation includes 50 fields of specialization. There are six regional agencies located in United States responsible for accrediting institutions, and ensuing programs are properly constructed to meet their standards. Assessment is defined as a methodology that links direct strategies to improve student learning based on organized data that analyzes and utilizes the information collected. …show more content…
Even though both assessments differ in the way they gather data, they both measure similar goals for student learning outcomes (Garfolo & Huillier, 2015).
As with any occupation, professionals are expected to be knowledgeable in their field of expertise. It is no different for student affairs professionals because they are expected to be knowledgeable about the student experience. Over the years, the role of student affairs professionals has shifted its focus from administration to education. As a more diverse student body attends college, the concepts of student development and student learning continue to be their primary goals. Today, the core purpose of student affairs is to understand how students develop intellectually, psychosocially, and emotionally by inspiring core values such as caring, helping, equality, and social justice into the student’s environments where they can learn and be successful college scholars (Long, 2012).
Student affairs are grouped into four groups: counseling-oriented, leadership development and educational positions, administrative positions, and academic affairs positions. Stress can be a major factor for today’s student, and they can suffer from emotional and social pressures, anxiety, depression, binge drinking, drug abuse, and suicide attempts while learning how to manage their academic careers. With this in mind, one-third of student affairs programs are identified as counseling-based. Universities understand how relationships
Assessment plays a significant role in the learning experience of students. It determines their progression through their programmes and enables them to demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning outcomes. It is assessment that provides the main basis for public recognition of achievement, through the awarding of qualifications and/or credit.
According to the School curriculum and standards authority (2014) assessments should arise naturally out of teaching and intended learning developed from the curriculum and syllabus, the judgements made by educators assists in students ongoing learning (para. 1).
This paper is separated into two parts that are connected. The first part will cover my beliefs about higher education focusing on my Student Affairs philosophy while integrating theories and work from current or previous successful Student Affairs professionals. The second part will also discuss my beliefs, foundation of my faith, my strengths, my challenges, my beliefs, my values, and my goals.
The development of students both inside and outside the classroom can best be nurtured through student affairs. As a student affairs practitioner, and former at risk student, I believe that a student’s engagement
The three purposes and missions of higher education are education, research, and public service. The first one to be addressed is education. In his paper, “Goals: The Intended Outcomes of Higher Education,” author Bowen (1977) has stated education is “not only the academic curricula, classes, and laboratories, but also all those influences upon students flowing from association with peers and faculty members and from the many and varied experiences of campus” (p. 24). Educating students is an important mission for higher education, but educating students is not limited to their academics. The mission for higher education involving education can be categorized as cognitive learning, affective development, and practical competence (Bowen, 1977, p. 27). While cognitive learning is based on expanding on students’ knowledge, affective development and practical competence are based on the overall being of the student. The intent of affective development is to help enhance
In my senior year of high school, I became the student body Vice President and discovered what it means to be an influential leader on campus. This experience exposed me to develop an array of qualities that can be utilized in the role of being resident assistants (RA). I have gained insightful knowledge of the intricate details necessary to be a productive leader who guides in an encouraging and supportive way. A gift that I posses is my ability to organize creative and innovative ways to build camaraderie among the people I serve. This is crucial and beneficial because it ensures for a safe and welcoming environment where everyone feels confident to seek assistance when needed. As a representative of this university and myself, I bring a dedicated intensity about infusing change by vocalizing the wants, needs, and concerns of the students to make my school resilience to an environment conducive to learning.
The first two chapters of this book set the background for student development and how theory has evolved over the years. As time passed and college student demographics changed, new ideas and views were developed to understand the ever changing student body. Theorists realized that the college experience was different between demographic groups. Being able to develop student affairs practices and activities that can reach the different student groups is probably the biggest challenge a student affairs professional will tackle. It is said that student development is most achieved by involvement by the students. This means that these activities must be designed to accommodate students from all walks of life.
One important aspect of the student affairs profession is the importance and involvement of ethics within your daily life and within the workplace. From personal experience I believe that autonomy, faithfulness, doing no harm, and the ability to be just are extremely important. I also believe that there are many important expectations found in NASPA’s Standards of Professional Practice. These expectations include, equal consideration and treatment of others, assessment, agreement with institutional missions and goals, and conflict of interest. The student affairs profession spans many areas within the university environment and this can cause many different views and perceptions of the profession. Fried states that the curriculum of student affairs “includes interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, personal life planning, financial planning, career planning, leadership and participation in small and large groups, public speaking, and developing the necessary skills to live and work in a culturally diverse democracy” (Fried, 2002). Another responsibility of student affairs professionals is supporting and aiding students during crises, which seem less predictable and more frequent, causing psychological pressure to increase (Schuh, Jones, & Harper, 2011, p. 111). While supporting and developing students in modern times and working to complete all responsibilities that pair with the student affairs profession it is important to
It was during the 1920’s where the Student Affairs profession got national coverage. In 1924, the National Association of Appointment Secretaries (NAAS) was founded (Gordon, 2015). It was the Precursor to the ACPA, American College Personnel Association. NAAS renamed National Association of Personnel and Placement Officers NAPPO was founded in 1929. Which led up to the Student Personnel Point of View in 1937. This was a guiding document for Student Affairs Professions. It stated that, “one of the basic purposes of higher education is the preservation, transmission, and enrichment of the important elements of culture the product of scholarship, research, creative imagination, and human experience” (The Student Personnel Point of View, 1937, p. 1). They wrote in this report that the colleges and universities are responsible for those elements to take place as well as other educational purposes that would assist the student in developing to their limits. They were tasked with helping the student realize their potential in making contributions to the betterment of society.
As a student affairs practitioner I believe I am a cornerstone of the higher education experience. I have made it my mission to help students be the best version of themselves for the benefit of not only them, but of society at large. I work to help create not only educated students, but also engaged members of a global society.
A university, like organizations and communities, are comprised of individuals representing different cultural and religious backgrounds. In defining the rules of conduct for individuals functioning together, it is necessary to formally define those rules to ensure that all are aware of the common values that should be adhered to and the consequences of non-adherence.
The Academic Affairs Division comprise of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Business, Liberal Arts, Social Science, Health Careers, Learning Commons, and the Brunswick University Center. Dr. Janice-Taylor Heard is the Dean of Academic Affairs. I currently report to Dr. Taylor-Heard as the Interim Assistant Dean/Director of the Learning Commons and Academic Support Services. The Academic Affairs objective is to strategize and implement initiatives that geared towards student success, faculty development and adjunct services. Included in its objective is to develop an academic support system for students with tutoring and technology.
Successful college experiences revolve around three major areas: the transition, being successful in classes/schoolwork, and involvement. These three areas have been determined from my work in the Housing and Residential Programs Department for the past three years, as this is my first lass focusing on student development theories. The three areas are must all be present in some way, shape, or form in order for success. The first step is the transition from high school to college. This is inclusive of moving away from home, and entering into an entirely different miniature society. Incoming students need to learn to adapt to their new surroundings, develop relationships, and a find their support system. Adaptation is important, for many
My passion towards working with students every day has led me to the decision of pursuing a doctoral degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education at Miami University. I have chosen this program to prepare myself for a future role as a professor or a senior level college administrator. This program will allow me to become more proficient within the students’ educational experience and therefore better engage students in active learning.
Student personnel point of view encompasses the student as a whole. The concept of education is broadened o the student’’s well rounded development- physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually as well as intellectually. (sppv) Student affairs not only emphasize on academic excellence but to shape each individual as a unique human by providing a holistic learning and living environment. Student Affairs professionals play a pivotal role in the development of the students. By applying different theories in student development, they can foster student learning to help them shape their identity. Student affairs staff members must view themselves as educators to refute the belief that learning is held only in the classroom. (contested issue, 29). Learning does not only occur in the classroom but through out of class activities as well. Student affairs staff should talk about student learning and development to enhance the multiplicity of growth areas for students in higher education. These learning and development experiences do not simply happen to students. They happen with their active involvement. There are numerous branches of fields in student affairs that attend to the unique needs of each individual. Residence Director trains Residence assistance to cater to the needs of first year students who are new to the college environment. RA plays a major role of introducing the life of college through building relationships and community to help them develop their sense of