
Effective Feedback Requires That A Person Has A Goal Essay

Decent Essays

1. Goal-Referenced
“Effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related information about his or her actions” ("Educational Leadership: Feedback for Learning: Seven Keys to Effective Feedback," n.d.). Goal-Referenced feedback is one way to communicate with parents to maintain that the topic is on education and the mutual goal to work with a student. Goal-Referenced keeps the focus on the student and puts the parent and teacher as peers working for the student instead of on opposite sides. Goal-Referenced is a positive way to outline with the parents how to get from the PLEP to the Goal. Questions to assure that your conference is Goal- referenced is to ask what are our specific goals for the student and what must we do to help the student reach the goal. ("Goal-Referenced - Effective Feedback," n.d.)
2. Tangible and Transparent
“Any useful feedback system involves not only a clear goal, but also tangible results related to the goal” ("Educational Leadership: Feedback for Learning: Seven Keys to Effective Feedback," n.d.).
Tangible and Transparent feedback is vital for all students and parents. Parents have been tangibly giving feedback to their students since they were born. When a child whimpers, a parent responded. When a child learns to walk, the parent cheered. However, they also provide feedback when a child is irresponsible. As a teacher, I can use that love and connection to have feedback with the

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