In the world of business, there are a number of effective leadership styles. Among them are autocratic, transactional, and transformational.
Autocratic leadership is also known as authoritarian leadership. It is a leadership style characterized by individual control. Leaders make decisions independently with little or no input from the rest of the team. Autocratic leaders typically make their decisions based on their own ideas and judgments’ and rarely accept advice from followers. Leaders provide clear expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done, and how it should be done. There is also a clear division between the leader and the followers.
Transactional leadership is also known as managerial leadership. This
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They are also focused on helping every member of the group team to succeed as well. The leaders are the big boys and girls but they know they can’t do it without the help of the team. Transformational leaders talk to their team and see what they like ask them for ideas and opinions. If the team is on the same page as the leader, they will try their best to help the business grow.
For my paper I am going to research and write on why I feel transformational leadership is the most effective in today’s business world. An effective leader is someone who has the desire, and the will to succeed. If a person has both combinations they are on the right path to becoming an effective leader. Transformational leadership is a powerful lever for enhancing unit of effectiveness. Transformational leaders have big goals and vision for companies but the differences they have are that they are involved in the process and are concerned. They are also focused on helping every member of the group team to succeed as well. The leaders are the big boys and girls but they know they can’t do it without the help of the team. Transformational leaders talk to their team and see what they like ask them for ideas and opinions. If the team is on the same page as the leader, they will try their best to help the business grow.
According to the University of Florida
transformational leaders can greatly impact the performance of a workforce by emulating the characteristics of charisma, scholarly attributes that created stimulation, and thoughtfulness for each individual. The products of transformational leaders that lead their organizations in this manner result in improved customer service and a more positive work environment.
In times of uncertainty and failure I believe that a transformational leader would inspire performance and creative behaviors in their employees to meet the emerging needs of their organization. I believe that the transformational leader would have the ability to motivate his or her employees and inspire them to trust and be loyal employees. Additionally, I think that a transformational leader would continue to maintain daily operations and continue to stimulate their employees to perform with confidence to achieve the goal and meet the standards of the organization.
The transformational style of leadership focuses on the team’s performance as a whole, it encourages everyone to think of the group as a whole and rather not just themselves. Transformational leaders aim to make their team members better people by encouraging their self-awareness, it’s all about moving forward in a team and not just several individuals in one group. An example of transformational leadership would be within the army where as a team you all have to move forward and stick together in a group
Transformation leadership fixates on the group's mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-intrigues for the good of the group. In other words, this gets the group to work in unison instead of everyone only worrying about themselves. Unlike this leadership, transactional leadership is when followers are rewarded if they had a good performance or punished when they do a bad performance. One difference is that with transformational the group works as one; therefore, the companies' success is essentially also the followers success. This approach is efficient to improve the company's performance. On the other hand , transactional leadership is not as efficient, since it puts to much focus on threats and discipline that it does not improve performance. Furthermore, transformation has four components which include charismatic leadership, inspirational leadership, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. These components help followers to look up to the leaders as role models, to encourage creativity and motivation, and for leaders to pay attention toward the followers' individual needs. These components help the company be successful in the long run. On the other hand transactional does not work for the long run, it is better for short
An autocratic leader is someone that takes full responsibility for the whole team. They also have full control over decision making which means the team have to go along with the decisions that are made by the leader whether they agree with them or not. They are generally loud spoken, firm and direct in what they want done and when. This is because autocratic leadership is often used when an urgency of decision making is required. An example of when an autocratic leader is used in the public services is a paramedic as they would have to work quickly and efficiently in order to save people's lives.
The transformational leader needs to direct people towards where they want to go and where they need to be in order to achieve the vision (Luzinski, 2011, p. 501). According to Luzinski (2011), success occurs when followers and leaders learn from each other, coming to a common understanding and establishing shared values, not because followers dutifully agree to listen (p. 502). Successful transformational leadership has four components: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
They are courageously imperfect, embrace their true selves, and regularly exhibit integrity, vision, and compassion in a way that awakens and inspires others.” When the Transformational leader is courageous enough to evoke changes for their team, they are also providing intellectual stimulation. This stimulation will occur by speaking to each other, brainstorming ideas, debating topics, and discovering and encouraging new ideas. When the Transformational leader is courageous, others in their team will become inspired by their values and the ability to trust their way of thinking. In conclusion, a Transformational leader with a clear vision and courage can bring change to a team. They can inspire others with creativity and can direct a company to become innovative in their industry. Their job requires a great deal of passion when it comes to sharing your innovative ideas and vision with others. The Transformational leadership core is courage. When a leader leads with courage, their vision will be clear to their team members. All of their efforts will complete a successful product that will generate a profit for a news reporting magazine like Mucci
Transformational leadership is the ability to get people to want to change, to improve, and to be led. It involves evaluating employees’ intentions, satisfying their needs, and appreciating them.
Napoleon Bonaparte said it best. A transformational leader has the uncanny ability to inspire his fellows to perform at their best. A transformational leader, is essentially a motivator. Through his actions, charisma and passion, the potential of the team becomes kinetic by the energy he or she exudes. The best leaders will never lead you in to a situation that they would not lead themselves to. However, these motivators will escort you through adversity that may seem impossible to overcome. transformational leaders wish for their colleagues to see the big picture as they do. A transformational leader takes the initiative and extra time to examine the strengths and weaknesses of his colleagues. Taking on a mentor role, the transformational
Two of the most common and popular leadership approaches are transformational and transactional. Although transactional is more commonly used in business, it has fallen out of favor for the more holistic technique of transformational leadership. Leadership styles can change with time and knowledge, a leader could have started their career using one style and by the end that same leader could be utilizing a completely different style. This means that we as leaders have choices and we can learn from our experiences and help others to grow along with us.
An effective leader influences their employees in a desired manner to achieve goals and objectives. Different leadership styles can affect an organization’s effectiveness and performance. The objective of this paper is to analyze the review of literature on various leadership styles over the past years and how effective and ineffective different leadership styles are in the workplace.
A transformational leader involves anticipating future trends, inspiring followers to understand and embrace a new vision of possibilities, developing others to be leaders or better leaders, and building the organization or group into a community of challenged and rewarded followers. Transformational leaders are
A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER is a person who stimulates and inspires followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes (Robbins, 2007)It has been shown to influence organisational members by transforming their values and priorities while motivating them to perform beyond their expectations (Rowold, 2007)Increased levels of job satisfaction & reduced turnover intentions are consequences of transformational leadership. It is all about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other’s interests and act in the interestsof the groupas a whole (Warrilow, 2012)
The transformational leaders are the ones that are seen as the best leader because they have all of the charisma and they are good motivators. Barrack Obama and a few other leaders throughout history have shown this type of leadership. People that are transformational leaders are the ones that can get the best results out of people because they show a really good caring side. This caring side is a really good alluring method that draws and pulls on the reigns of people's hearts and minds. Research shows transformational leaders are the ones capable to succeed in getting the finest out of most of the persons that they are in charge of leading. These leaders work very well in politics and actually the research shows that most transformational leaders are the ones that even win the presidential elections or any type of political. Subordinates that go around examine leaders as transformational are people that are largely devoted and they have development need that are high and high needs of independence (Ansari & Mahdi, 2012). Also need dependents of transformational leaders have regularity that is advanced of information following (Dionne & Spangler, 2004).
Organizational effectiveness depends on the forerunners leading the charge. Transformational and team leadership approaches are two options businesses can choose from to meet the vision of the company. One method identifies an individual at the figurehead of the group or division, where the other approach leaves the option open for natural selection. Neither leadership approach is wrong. Quite the contrary, transformational and team leadership share similar behavioral traits inspiring the group to reach the objective.