
Effective Listening

Decent Essays

When building and restoring relationships with patients and co-workers, the author of this article states five things that are necessary to practice. These skills are presence and mindfulness, reflective listening, information gathering and agenda setting, recognizing and responding to emotion, and gratitude and appreciation. With these skills, the physician can create a welcoming, positive relationship that builds trust, which is the most critical part of the job. It is important for physicians be caring with patients and act in a high-quality manner. Because of this, it is necessary for them to be able to practice the five skills discussed in the article. The first skill, presence and mindfulness, focuses on the avoidance of distractions while interacting with the patient. If a physician seems distracted, they are not communicating with the patient the way they should be, and the patient leaves feeling like their …show more content…

The third skill, information gathering and agenda setting, focuses on the physician allowing and encouraging to patient to recite their list of issues before the physician focuses on one. A physician could jump into working on the first issue a patient has, but without listening to other complaints, the patient could feel like the physician does not have time for everything they need to discuss. Skill four, recognizing and responding to emotion, used a tool called PEARLS. With PEARLS, the physician follows six steps: partnership, empathy, apology/acknowledge, respect, legitimization, and support. This way, the patient and physician will be able to understand the level of emotion in the encounter. Lastly, the fifth skill is gratitude and appreciation. This skill emphasizes the importance of showing appreciation to patients. Just as a physician feels good when a patient thanks him or her, a patient feels good to be on the receiving end as

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