
Ending Tutoring Sessions

Decent Essays

Tips for Ending Tutoring Sessions
The best practice for ending a tutorial effectively and punctually begins as soon as the student sits down. It is important that we discuss our tutoring plan with the student. Often out inclination is to just jump right in, and that’s great. We’re excited! However, this often creates a space for incomplete tutorials.
After you have asked the student about his/her assignment, work with him/her to identify specific concerns and develop an action plan. Explain exactly what the process is going to look like. For example, “Keep in mind this is a 45 minute session, so I want to look at the big picture stuff. You mentioned that you are worried about your thesis and your MLA format. I am going to really focus on those areas, but I am also going to look for ways to improve your topic sentences and your transitions. Right now, I am going to read through your paper considering these areas, and then we will discuss your strengths as well as areas that you can polish. Remember you can always come back after you address anything we find here and have a tutor look at more localized concerns on your next. When we’re finished, let’s take a couple minutes to review what we …show more content…

When we are having fun with a student and making progress, 45 minutes passes quickly. It is our job to make sure that we are structuring the session in a time effective manner.
We should reserve the last five to ten minutes of tutoring sessions for conclusion. The conclusion period is a vital part of the learning process because it provides an opportunity for students to digest concepts and strategies introduced during the session. A reciprocal educational approach, where the tutor and student reverse roles, is often helpful during this process. Here are some example prompts tutors can use to help students take ownership of concepts discussed in tutoring sessions:
1. Have students summarize what you covered in the

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