
Engineering Career Progression

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Being a girl in the engineering field, there have been times where I have questioned if I am in the right place. At the very start of my engineering "career" I never questioned it. Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a love for building and creating. While the other girls my age were playing with makeup I was playing with Legos, taking apart anything that moved, or sitting mesmerized at anything that had LEDs. The whole world of robotics fascinated me. Lego brick mindstorms, raspberry pis, and basic power tools like jig saws have always interested me. When I entered high school, my school was jumpstarting a robotics program, and of course fourteen-year-old me was one of the first in line to sign up. I was perfectly content with …show more content…

I was devastated, just when I thought the thing I loved so much loved me back I was reminded again how much of a minority I really was. My school did not have the funding to provide a separate room for me. The boys advanced to San …show more content…

It helped me develop an attitude of show them what you can do and prove your ability. I wanted more than anything to prove I was a strong link on the team. The next year I did prove myself and became the Lead Builder and Team Captain. I now go all out in everything I do. I am thankful for that experience. I have grown tremendously because of it. I handle burdens with a stronger mind now. If I can get through an experience that truly made me question if I really loved my passion and still come out with my head held high, then I can get through just about everything. Since that event I have become extremely active on my FTC, VEX and FRC Robotics teams over the past four years where I continue to be one, if not the only build-girl on the team. Through these amazing programs I have learned skills essential to making the world's future better. I have been able to learn and nurture the skill of good leadership. I have learned to work with all different types of personalities and input the ideas of everyone in the design process. I have become very adaptable; the whole engineering-design process consists of something going differently than expected and having to go back and redesign based off what you learned. Being able to communicate is also something that I have learned. One day I would like to public speak on topics relating to women in STEM, thankfully robotics has

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