
Equality of Opportunity

Good Essays

Equality of opportunity

Every child deserves to be educated regardless or race, color or ethnic background. Children from all social backgrounds have equal rights to attend school where they receive an education that will prepare them to compete on equal terms in the economic system.
The highest performing education systems are those that combine equity with quality. They give all children opportunity for a good quality education. There should be policies in place for education systems to help all children succeed in their schooling. School district should provide support to the disadvantaged students and schools, as improving opportunities for them that benefit education system and societies as a whole.
Students learn more in school that at home, so we should make sure that they get great education so they will have all the tools to become successful in life. If we fail to do so, they will be penalized for life. According to article “Equality and Quality in Education” published by OECD, the student who leaves school without completing upper secondary education or without the relevant skills has fewer life respects. This can be seen in lower initial and life earning, more difficulties in adapting to rapidly changing knowledge-based economics, and higher risk of unemployment. The same child will also have fewer chance of taking further learning opportunities and less able to participate in the civic and democratic aspects of modern societies. Besides this educational failure

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