
Ethics And The Code Of Ethics

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This past year has seen an increased scrutiny on the actions of corporations, and those who act on behalf of organizations. Because of this there has been an increased attention placed on ethical situations within our organization. Company X is focused on increasing ethics and compliance awareness. A formal ethics programs will be addressed throughout the details of this ethics program. This document will go into detail regarding what actions are appropriate for work and what is not.
Company X strives daily to do the right thing. This Code of Ethics program is our guide to use to ensure we are doing the right thing daily. Please take the time to review the Code of Ethics and learn how to implement it in your daily life here at Company X.
Standards and Procedures
Company X is dedicated to promoting ethical standards and proper business conduct. The main purpose of these policies are to ensure proper guidelines and principles are being followed, as well as to direct employees to the proper form of conduct (Code of Ethical Standards, 2012). All employees will be held responsible to follow all ethical standards and procedures.
1. All actions and behaviors of all employees must promote an honorable image of Company X and its management.
2. All employee actions must not cause a potential conflict of interest, whether in respects to business or personal matters.
3. Employees shall not partake in any activities that may harm or damage Company X, or the reputation of Company X.

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