
Eukaryotic Cells Research Paper

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There are two types of cells known to humanity, eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Prokaryotic meaning” before or pro nucleus”, is a cell that has no nucleus; however does contain a plasma membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm and genetic material (DNA and RNA). Occasionally some prokaryotic cells also may have a flagellum or pili- used for movement of the cell. Flagellum is a tail like structure, cells usually contain only 1 or 2,as for pili they are hair like structures and there are an abundance covering the cell; both structures hold within them cytoplasm and are enclosed by a plasma membrane. Eukaryotic cells meaning “true nucleus” means that this cell does in fact have a nucleus. A nucleus is the control center of a cell that also houses DNA; alike prokaryotic cells. Unlike prokaryotes though, this DNA is not free-floating madness but enveloped in a plasma membrane inside of the nucleus. Also eukaryotes have more complex organelles. Regards it still has cytoplasm, plasma membranes, ribosomes, and DNA but we have some new things like mitochondria and vacuoles; its basically an updated version of a prokaryotic cell. …show more content…

Being a eukaryote is quite an advantage because since it’s an updated version of the prokaryotes its an evolutionary more efficient way of production because its complex organelles with unique functions makes many things needed for the cell e.g. its enzymes and protein production. An unfortunate disadvantage is that due to the complexity it requires more energy and time for the process to be completed. Another advantage, all organelles inside a eukaryotic cell have membranes, so all organelles are separate from each other in their own compartments well

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