
Europerism Vs Eurocentrism

Decent Essays

Since our nation’s birth in 1776, we the people of America have aimed to be a melding pot of different cultures open to everyone. While the majority of Americans speak English, over 62 million people speak a language besides English in the comfort of their own homes. With all our cultural diversity, some still feel the need to make English the official Language of the United States. Since it was founded, the culture of our country has been dominated by wealthy European, often English immigrants, where other cultures have been oppressed and moved to the backburner. The supposed melding pot of America is really directing other cultures to imitate the English immigrants and held them to their standards. This phenomenon of idolizing the European cultural patterns while reducing African and other groups of people as subcultures has been labeled as Eurocentrism. The opposition the the Official English movement argue that knowing multiple languages is inarguably beneficial for the cognitive development of society, as those who are able to speak two or more languages have a higher rate of literacy, a better attention span and better functioning systems. Put into a simpler definition, those who speak multiple languages brains’ work better than those who speak only one language because it challenges the brain to function in more complex situations and allows it to adapt and grow. An English Only movement supports the Social Conflict Theory

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