
Examples Of Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence:
Learning objectives:
1. Introduction
2. What is emotional intelligence
3. Models of emotional intelligence
4. Ability Model
5. Trait Model
6. Mixed Model
• Self-awareness
• Self-management
• Social awareness
• Relationship management
7. Emotional intelligence and performance
8. Cost of emotional illiteracy
9. Difference between EQ and IQ
10. Case studies
Background of emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence was described formally by (Salovey & Mayer). They defined it as ‘the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions’. They also provided an initial empirical demonstration of how an aspect of emotional intelligence could be measured as a mental ability (Mayer, DiPaolo, & Salovey, 1990). In both articles, emotional intelligence was presented as a way to conceptualize the relation between cognition and affect. Historically, ‘emotion’ and ‘intelligence’ were …show more content…

One of them was emotionally intelligent and the other wasn't.
On returning to their homes, the first, who wasn't emotionally intelligent, started shouting at his children and wife. This guy acted based on his emotions without thinking about them in an emotionally intelligent way.
When the second person returned home and found that the kids were noisy he just told himself, “well, why should I shout at the kids, they are not the ones to blame for my feelings, they always make that loud noise while playing. The main reason I am feeling bad is because of my boss”
That man recognized his emotions, thought about them, then acted in an emotionally intelligent way.
Models of Emotional Intelligence:
There are many models of emotional intelligence but the most important models of emotional intelligence which are very popular are discussed here;
1. Ability Model
2. Trait Model
3. Mixed

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