
Examples Of Resilience, Psychology, And My Business

Decent Essays

Resilience, Psychology, and My Business: Is Resilience a state of Psychology? Some may think twice before answering this question. But, is not resilience a behavior in which a negative reinforcement has been taken upon a business and developed a pleasurable outcome when it is all said and done? Resilience as stated in the Webster Dictionary (2017), “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” My husband and I, started up a small business providing mechanic and auto collision services to a few dealerships in the area and the public. We have only been opened for about a year now, but in this time, we have found that resilience and motivation to accomplish our dreams and do what we desired to accomplish in life is the means to keep going. Through another company in which I worked for, helped me develop the skills in the process of a startup small business; I was given the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of a company behind the scenes. There are not many opportunities a person is given to be hired and be taught all there is to learn about a business, how it operates, operate it, administration, finances, shipping, receiving, inspectors, etc. Through this head and hands on experience I have been able to incorporate this knowledge into mine and my husband’s own company, TnA Smith …show more content…

Through the roles of positive and negative reinforcements that I encounter through a type of operant conditioning, per say, I will become more successful. Now if I look at each down fall, struggle, and unpleasant outcome of a situation as a punishment; I may fall. I realize that learning through past experiences, resilience, motivation, social skills, and my reactions will either help me or hurt me in my endeavors as an entrepreneur; remembering this is the

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