
Examples Of Role Observation

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Assistant Role Observation
Navneet Gill
NorQuest College
RHAB 1001 A03
Assignment 2: Assistant Role Observation
Erin Turnell, Jennifer Glumpak, Dominique Bailey
December 17, 2017

Question 1-Name the agency the job posting is for, describe how it is facility based or community based, and describe the client population served?
Answer-The job posting is for the well renowned agency of Edmonton that is Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital which provide facility based care for the clients. It is facility based care because it is appropriate for the clients who require greater physical and cognitive care. Clients in this facility are given greater high professional care for 24 hours and environmental supports such as handrails in the hospital. Moreover, there are different special care units for the clients with different disability for their care. Regardless, the client is in which unit but the goal of each rehabilitation center remains the same: “enhance function for purposeful living” (Norquest College, 2017, p.8).
Question 2- Describe how health and wellness may be incorporated at this agency. Provide examples for how each concept may be integrated into the agency?
Answer- Health and wellness are both interlinked where, Health is a process in which person’s body, mind, and spirit interact with each other as much as possible for healthy living. On the other hand, Wellness is the state if wellbeing. Health is incorporated at the Glenrose

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